Chapter 32

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"Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you William McKinley high, class of 2012!" Principal Figgins said. Everyone was ecstatic, they had graduated, they were done with high school, this was a chapter of their life finished. Everyone hugged and celebrated on the stage. Once they were finished, everyone in glee club went to the choir room.

"Well, this is it, you've finally graduated." Mr Shue said. Everyone was crying now.

"Glee club is going to miss all of you, this is a lot of talent we're going to be losing. You all better come back and visit soon." Mr Shue said.

"Of course Mr Shue, this will always be our home." Rachel said.

"Group hug!" Finn shouted. Everyone stood up and gathered for a huge group hug. They were going to miss glee club. Glee club was an escape for most of them, this was their happy place, and leaving that behind was going to be a struggle.

"And for the last time for most of you, glee club is dismissed." Mr Shue sadly said. No one wanted to leave, leaving the room meant it was truly over.

"We'll always be a family, glee club and all of you guys will always be in our hearts. Now let's go and party!" Mercedes said. Everyone laughed and walked out of the room together.


"Im going to be sick." Kurt said. All their NYADA letters had arrived. Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and Finn were in the choir room, Finn was just there for moral support, he was going to college for teaching.

"Who's going to open theirs first?" Blaine asked. Everyone was silent, until Kurt reached for his.

"I'll go first." He said. Kurt slowly opened the envelope and took out the paper. He read the paper, then looked at everyone else.

"I got in, oh my god I got in!" Kurt said in shock. Everyone congratulated and hugged him.

"I knew you'd get in." Blaine whispered into his ear, Kurt smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll go now." Rachel said. She picked up her envelope and quickly ripped it open. She read the letter then smiled widely.

"I got in!" She screamed. Finn picked her up and spun her around.

"Yes yes yes! I knew you could do it!" Finn shouted, he was the proudest boyfriend. Rachel laughed and he put her down.

"My turn." Blaine said. He was the last to open his letter. He was so nervous, what if he didn't get in. Both of his friends got in and they now had their future planned out, this was his only option, he didn't have a backup plan. He was so scared. He opened the envelope and slowly took out the paper. He read every single word that was printed on the paper.

"I... I got in, we all got in!" Blaine said. Kurt almost tackled him to the ground with his hug, he was so happy for Blaine.

"I knew you would get in, I knew we'd all get in, we're all amazing!" Kurt said. They were all so happy, they were all going to New York together. And once Finn had got his teaching degree, we was going to move to New York and get a job in a school in New York. Everything was working out perfect, like they planned.


Kurt and Blaine were lying on Kurt's bed, watching tv. Blaine was running his fingers through Kurt's hair, something that Kurt didn't let a lot of people do. Kurt's head was on Blaine's lap and Blaine was sitting with his back against the headboard.

"I think we should talk." Blaine said quietly. Kurt got off of Blaine to look at him in the eyes, concern was written all over Kurt's face.

"Did I do something wrong? Are you going to break up with me?" Kurt asked in a panicked voice. Blaine put both of his hands on Kurt's cheeks so they could look at each other in the eyes.

"Of course not gorgeous, don't ever think that, I love you. What I want to talk about is our future. Like what we're going to do in New York. Are we going to live together? Are we going to be in each other's future forever?" Blaine said. Kurt calmed down and sat next to Blaine, letting Blaine wrap a protective arm around him.

"I mean, Rachel's already said she wants me and her to live together in New York, but I'd love you to live with us. And then once Finn comes back either we move out and get our own house or Rachel and Finn will move out. I want to live with you, I want to have a future with you." Kurt said. Blaine smiled at him and wrapped both of his arms around him to give him a hug.

"Do you want to be with me forever?" Blaine asked, nervously. Kurt smiled at him.

"Of course I do. I'm never letting you go, you're stuck with me." Kurt said. Blaine chuckled and kissed Kurt.

"That's good, I'll always want to be with you." Blaine whispered against Kurt's lips.


Kurt, Blaine and Rachel were at the airport with their parents, ready to say their last goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you dad." Kurt said as he hugged his father.

"I'll miss you too Kurt." Burt said. Once Kurt walked away to Rachel, Burt walked over to Blaine.

"Hey bud." Burt said. Blaine turned around and smiled at him.

"Hi Burt." He replied.

"I just wanted to say thank you for being good to my boy. And I expect you to take care of him in New York. He's not as strong and he pretends to be. He's going to need someone. To be there for him." Burt said to him. Blaine smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I love Kurt. I'll always protect him." Blaine said to him.

"Flight now boarding to New York." The speaker said. Everyone said their final goodbyes and headed to the plane.


"This studio is nice" Kurt said. Kurt, Blaine and Rachel were trying to find an apartment to live in.

"Yeah, it's huge. This could work" Blaine said.

"Let's get it then!" Rachel said excitedly. They walked around a bit more before going to buy the studio.


It was a month later, they had just started at NYADA, and their house was fully furnished. Everything was going well.

"I can't believe it, we're actually doing it. We're actually living together." Blaine said as he sat down for breakfast.

"It's great. I didn't think I'd love living with you and Rachel as much as I do." Kurt said. Blaine smiled and took his hand.

"I love you, I love you so much." Blaine said sweetly. Kurt looked up from his breakfast and smiled.

"I love you too." Kurt replied.


Heyyy, I know this chapter isn't great, but I'm trying to get into the future of this story because it's going to be ending soon so I'm trying to round it off. xxx

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