Chapter 7

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Kurt was pacing around his room. What would he wear? what were they going to talk about? was there a reason he wanted to meet up? Oh god, what if Blaine didn't want to be friends with him and he wanted to meet up to tell him? Okay Kurt calm down, he probably just wants to hang out as friends- Kurt thought. He went to his wardrobe and carefully picked out an outfit. He decided on a white shirt with a dark grey suit vest, black skinny jeans, ankle high black boots, a navy blue scarf and the same coloured jacket. He fixed his perfectly styled hair and stood up once he was satisfied. He grabbed his phone and wallet before walking downstairs. He talked to his dad a bit before the doorbell rang. Kurt got up from the couch and walked to the front door, seeing Blaine stood there once he opened the door.

"Hey." Blaine said, smiling softly. Kurt thought Blaine looked stunning. He was wearing a white top that had a yellow collar, yellow jeans, a cute yellow bow tie, a black belt, and grey and black shoes. This wasn't Blaine's usual jock type style, but Kurt loved it.

"H-hey. That's not the type of thing you usually wear." Kurt pointed out. Blaine looked down at his outfit, then back at Kurt and smiled.

"You're just used to seeing the letterman jacket, I love this type of style. Bow ties and matching jeans, all that stuff... Do you not like it?" Blaine said, whispering that last part. Kurt looked at Blaine and shook his head, stepping closer to the shorter boy.

"No Blaine, I love this style. I think it's adorable." Kurt said, Blaine looked at him and smiled, whispering under is breath 'I think you're adorable' but it was too quiet for Kurt to hear. Kurt shouted goodbye to his dad, walked out of his house and shut the door. The two boys headed to Blaine's car. They got into the car and drove to Breadstix's. Once they they arrived at their destination, Blaine found a parking spot and reversed into it. The car stopped and both boys got out. They walked into the restaurant and got seated. The waitress gave them their menu and left the boys alone.

"So... um Blaine... why did you want to come here with me?" Kurt asked. Blaine frowned.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked the taller boy.

"I mean... is there a reason you wanted to hang out?" Kurt asked, looking down at his menu. Blaine sat back. He didn't know what to say. Blaine knew why he wanted to hang out with Kurt, he desperately wanted to tell him something that he had kept in for a while... but he couldn't do it, not yet.

"I um... I just wanted to hang out with you, nothing in particular." Blaine lied, shrugging his shoulders. Kurt tried to his his disappointment, and put on a smile.

"Oh okay, cool." Kurt said. They both looked down at their menu, deciding on what to get.

"What are you going to get?" Blaine asked Kurt. Kurt looked at the menu for a second longer, before shutting it and turning his focus to Blaine.

"I think I'll get fettuccine Alfredo. What about you?" Kurt said. Blaine shut his menu as well and smiled at Kurt.

"That sounds good, I'll get that too." Blaine said. They talked for a bit before the waitress came bouncing over.

"Hello boys, what can I get you's to drink?" The waitress asked. Both boys looked up at the woman.

"I'll have a water please." Kurt said politely.

"Can I have a Diet Coke?" Blaine asked. The woman wrote down their drinks on her notepad.

"And are you ready to order food?" she asked. Blaine nodded at her.

"We'll both have a fettuccine alfredo please." Blaine said speaking for both of them. The waitress nodded, took their menus and walked away.

"So, what do you want to do in the future?" Blaine suddenly asked. Kurt looked at Blaine with confusion on his face.

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