Chapter 29

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Blaine had visited Kurt in the hospital everyday, only leaving when Burt convinced him to go shower, go get something to eat and sleep for a bit. He was there when the whole glee club visited, when Mercedes and Rachel came to visit a few extra times, when Finn came to visit, he was always there. Blaine had been at the Hummel-Hudson house a lot. He spent most of the time there in Kurt's room. The room smelt like Kurt and it made him feel safe. He liked lying in Kurt's bed, imaging Kurt next to him, imagining playing with his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him. Blaine hadn't stopped crying, everything was a blur, it was like he was walking around, but he wasn't really there. Nothing made sense without Kurt.

"Hey kid." Burt said as he walked into the hospital room. Blaine was sitting in the chair next to the bed, holding Kurt's hand. Burt put his jacket down and sat opposite Blaine. Blaine lifted his head and gave Burt a weak smile.

"How you holding up?" Burt asked. What could Blaine say. I'm miserable. I feel like I'm dying without him. I can't survive without him. I feel like the worlds stopped turning. I'm so scared that he isn't going to wake up.

"I'm okay." He finally said. The room was silent, until Burt spoke up again.

"I know it's hard Blaine. I miss him too, even though we can see and feel him, he's not 100% with us. But don't worry, he'll wake up soon. He's always been a fighter, he won't give up on us." Burt said to him. Tears started to escape Blaine's eyes.

"Thank you Burt. You've acted like my family and I'm so grateful." Blaine said. Burt smiled, he stood up and walked over to Blaine.

"You are our family Blaine. You've been nothing but amazing you my son and you make him happy. Now come here and give me a father-son hug." Burt said. Blaine let go of Kurt's hand and hesitatingly stood up And walked over to Burt. Burt wrapped his arms around the boy and engulfed him in a hug. Blaine felt strangely safe, he had never had a good relationship with his father, he hadn't even talked to his father in months after he moved away. He had always longed to have a real father figure in his life, and Burt was it. They pulled apart from the hug.

"You'll always be like a son to me." Burt said. Blaine smiled and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"That you Burt, thank you for everything." Blaine said. He turned to look back at Kurt, and saw something move.

"Burt... Burt his fingers moving!" Blaine said. He ran up to Kurt and held his hand. Burt ran out of the room to call for Nurse Nancy.

"Kurt I'm right here, I'm going anywhere." Blaine said, smiling and crying at the same time.


"Hey." A weak Kurt said as Blaine entered the room. Blaine shut to door and turned around to look at Kurt. He had a bit more colour than the first time Blaine saw him in the hospital. He looked fragile and tired. Blaine didn't know what to say, Kurt had been asleep for a week. Blaine then started crying, he had missed everything about Kurt, his laugh, his smile, his warm hands, his lips, everything.

"Kurt I've missed you so much." Blaine said through a choked sob. Kurt smiled at him.

"I've missed you too. Come here and lie down next to me." Kurt said. Blaine smiled and walked over and laid down next to Kurt. Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine's shoulder and Blaine rested his head carefully on Kurt's shoulder.

"Does it hurt?" Blaine asked.

"My ribs hurt a lot, so does my stomach after
the surgery. Everything else isn't that bad. But this thing that hurts the most is the fact that I'm wearing this ugly hospital gown and that my hairs flat and a mess." Kurt said. Blaine laughed, the first time he's genuinely laughed in a while. Everything felt right, now he was in his boyfriends arms. Kurt looked down at him and smiled, he carefully wiped the tears from Blaine's face.

"You're dad and Carole have been letting me stay at your house. I've been sleeping in you're bed, I just felt safer in it. I've been miserable this past week. I was just so scared that you weren't going to wake up and I kept blaming myself for what happened to you. I mean I promised you that nothing would happen and now you're in hospital." Blaine said, trying his hardest not to cry. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's cheek and forced Blaine to look him in the eyes.

"Listen to me, none of this was your fault, don't take any of the blame. You didn't know this was going to happen, and if you were there, this would have happened to you as well and I would never want that to happen. I love you, I'm not leaving you and I never will." Kurt said softly. Blaine kissed Kurt softly on the lips, careful of the huge cut Kurt had.

"I love you too." Blaine said against his lips.


Kurt had talked to the police a lot. He had explained the story of what happened when he got attacked by David Karofsky. He was now going to the juvenile detention centre for a long time, he wouldn't be a problem anymore. Kurt had to stay in hospital for another two weeks after he had woken up, he needed to recover from the surgery and heal his broken ribs. He could walk now and the doctors said he should be able to go home soon.

"You excited to go home?" Blaine asked. Kurt was lying on the bed and Blaine was sitting on the chair next to him.

"Yeah, this place is depressing." Kurt said. Blaine chuckled. Kurt couldn't wait to get out of the hospital. He wanted more than anything to be in his own clothes, in his own house, and in his own bed.


It was now Sunday, and Kurt was being let out of hospital. His dad helped him into the car and they drove home. Burt helped Kurt upstairs and left him outside his room. Kurt opened the door and saw Blaine sitting on his bed.

"Hey gorgeous." Blaine said as he looked up from the magazine he was reading. Kurt walked over to his bed and sat down next to Blaine.

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked as he rested his head on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine smiled down at him.

"I wanted to see my boyfriend as soon as he got out of hospital. I came over just before you got here and Carole said I could sit upstairs and wait for you." Blaine said simply. Kurt lifted his head and softly kissed Blaine.

"Come and lie down, you're ribs must be sore." Blaine said. Kurt tried to resist but reluctantly lied down. Blaine moved beside him and laid down next to him. He grabbed Kurt's hand and intertwined their fingers. They talked for a bit about nationals, NYADA, anything really. After a while, they both were tired and ended up falling asleep together.

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