Epilogue 2

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1 year later

Kurt was staring at himself in the mirror, this was actually happening.

"Hey kurt it's almo- oh my god Kurt you look amazing!" Rachel squealed as he walked into the room. Small tears started to escape from Kurt's eyes.

"Aww Kurt don't cry." She says as she engulfs Kurt in a hug.

"Are you ready? It's time." Rachel asked. Kurt nodded and they walk out of the room. Kurt was so nervous, he felt like he could be sick at any moment, but he also felt extremely excited.

The room was beautiful, there's was white and light pink flowers everywhere, fairy lights were hanging from all the walls. Light grey curtains were draping down at the windows. There was a huge chandelier hanging from the middle of the room and there was candles placed all over the room. It was beautiful.

The classic wedding music played as the doors at the back of the room opened. Everyone turned around in their seats to see the first groom walk in. Blaine was wearing a black tuxedo, with an adorable black bow tie. He had his arm linked with his mother as they walked down the aisle. They got to the end and Pam gave him a quick hug before she went and sat down next to everyone. Then the doors opened again. Kurt had his arm linked with his father, as they started to walk down the aisle. He was wearing a similar black tuxedo as Blaine, but with a black tie instead. Blaine could feel the tears well up in his eyes, Kurt was stunning, Blaine couldn't believe how lucky he was to be able to call Kurt his. Their best mans -Finn and Sam- and their bridesmaids -Rachel and Mercedes- we're standing at the front, holding a small bouquets of flowers each. Kurt reached the end of the aisle and stood opposite Blaine, they were both nervous but happy. Kurt wiped the tears from Blaine eyes then wiped his own tears.

"Dearly beloved, that's how your supposed to these things right? I'm not sure why Kurt and Blaine have asked me to be their marriage officiant, but I'm glad they have. These two men have changed the meaning of love for a lot of us, they've showed us that no matter who you are, you can love whoever you want. They show us that love is love and that love will never die. I am so proud of both of you, you've both come so far and are still standing tall. And now, for the vows." Burt said. Kurt smiled at him and got ready to say his vows.

"Blaine, you're not just my best friend, you're the love of my life. You've helped me through so much, like when I got attacked, when I was being bullied, you were by my side through all the struggle and pain. And I'm so lucky that I get to call you mine. No matter what happens to us, I know we'll always be there for each other, through think and thin, because nothing can break our bond and our love. I love everything about you, like how you get extremely offended when anyone says anything bad about Katy Parry, or the way you go into a trance when you watch Harry Potter and no matter what anybody says or does, you can't pull your focus away from the movie. It's not just how incredibly handsome you are that makes me love you, it's all your unique and adorable little quirks that I've learnt about you over time, they're the things I love. I want to make a few promises, I promise to be there for you and support you, I promise to not get mad at you when you try to bake something and it goes horribly wrong and ruins the kitchen, I promise to defend you even if I know your wrong, and most importantly, I promise to love you forever." Kurt finished his vows and Blaine had tears falling down his cheeks. Blaine quickly wiped them away and took a deep breath before beginning his vows.

"I honestly thought That I'd never find real love, then I met you. I cherish every minute we're together, and my heart breaks when we're apart. You're like my other half, you make me a better person. You've always been there for me, you comforted me after my dad attacked me, you helped me come out to the glee club and the whole school, you're my hero. It's like my whole world was in black and white until you showed up, then suddenly everything was in color and it was beautiful. Now time for my promises, I promise that I'll always hold your hand when you need me to, I promise that I'll always be your shoulder to cry on, I promise that I'll bake you cookies at least twice a year, I promise to kiss you whenever and where ever you want, I promise to to always pick up your call no matter what I'm doing, and above it all, I promise to love you forever. You mean everything to me, I'm never letting you go." When Blaine finished his vows Kurt was in tears.

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