Chapter 15

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"Hurry up! I'm hungry." Blaine moaned as Kurt transfered books from his locker to his bag. He shut his locker an turned to the shorter boy.

"Okay, lets go." Kurt said. Blaine gave him a huge smile and they both walk to the cafeteria. They got their food and sat down at a table by themselves.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with the glee club?" Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head.

"Nah, Rachel is probably just talking about how amazing she is and what solos she should do for nationals." Kurt said. Blaine turned to look at the glee table, and sure enough, there stood Rachel talking and everyone else clearly ignoring her, except for Finn who somehow found her cockiness adorable. Blaine chuckled and turned back to Kurt.

"Do you want to come to mine today? My parents are going to be coming back soon so I only have to house to myself for a few days." Blaine asked. Kurt looked at him.

"Sure, straight after school?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded.

"Yeah, I'll drive." He said. Kurt smiled and they finished eating their lunch. Once lunch was finished, the two boys got up and walked to their next class together.


Kurt was walking down the halls after glee rehearsal. He was going to meet Blaine at his car and they were both going to hang out at Blaine's house. He was about to leave the school when someone grabbed his shoulder and aggressively turned him around.

"Sup lady." Said Karofsky. Kurt froze and went tense. Karofsky smiled at him, then tightened his grip on Kurt's shoulder and flung him to the side and into the lockers. Kurt fell to the floor in pain. Karofsky walked over and picked him up, then pinned him to the lockers.

"God you are so pathetic." Karofsky sighed while laughing. Kurt looked Karofsky in the eyes, and for somewhere, got confidence to stick up for himself.

"I'm the one that's pathetic, really? You're the one that feels the need to attack me, for what? So that you look tough in front of your friends? 'oh look at me I'm a big strong guy that punches gay people'. What have I ever done to you?" Kurt shouted in his face. Karofsky was turning red with anger. He grabbed Kurt's wrist and started to drag him through the school. His grip on Kurt was so tight that Kurt was crying and yelling in pain. Kurt could feel his phone vibrating, like someone was calling him, but he was in too much pain that he couldn't even attempt to answer it. Karofsky quickly turned a corner and went into the mens locker room. He shut the door and flung Kurt to the floor. Kurt sat there and watched Karofsky pace around the room, then he eventually walked back to Kurt and dragged him up so he was standing.

"You're such a fag, no one will ever love you. Don't you get it? Everyone hates you!" Karofsky shouted.

"People do love me. I have my family, and I have real friends, what friends do you have? People that only like you because you make fun of someone. You know that if you were nice to someone like me for even a second, all your 'friends' would turn on you in a heartbeat." Kurt said. Karofsky pushed him into the locker.

"Don't push me Hummel." Karofsky said to him. Kurt scoffed and looked him dead in the eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Kurt snapped. Karofsky punched the locker next to Kurt's head.

"Don't push me Hummel!" Karofsky shouted. Kurt stood up straight.

"Are you going to hit me? Hit me cause it's not going to change the way I am. You can't punch the gay out of me anymore than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!" Kurt said, with confidence in his voice. He had never stood up for himself, but now was the time to do it. Karofsky had tears slowly escaping his eyes. They stood there for a bit, not doing or saying anything. Then Karofsky grabbed Kurt's cheeks, leaned forward and kissed him. Kurt stood there in total shock, not moving, not doing anything. The kiss wasn't sweet or loving, it was full of sadness and anger. Kurt regained his senses and attempted to push Karofsky off of him. Karofsky continued to kiss him harder, until Kurt was strong enough and shoved Karofsky off of him. Kurt could almost see Karofsky's blood boil with anger. Karofsky walked back over to Kurt and punched him in the stomach. Kurt fell to the floor in pain, while Karofsky stormed around to room, trashing everything he could see. After around five minutes, Karofsky got tired and left the locker room. Leaving Kurt, lying on the floor and sobbing while clutching his stomach. Karofsky has just stolen Kurt's fist kiss. Something that was supposed to be sweet and happy, was now horrible and disgusting.

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