Chapter 8

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It was 9:27am on a Sunday. Finn had just woken up and was starving. He went downstairs to see if Kurt was up. Finn wasn't allowed to make food after he started a fire in a pan when trying to make beans, and because Carole and Burt were at work, Kurt was the only one who could cook. Finn went into the kitchen and found it was empty. Great, Kurt wasn't up. Finn walked upstairs and knocked on Kurt's door. There wasn't a response so Finn slowly opened the bedroom door. when the door was fully opened, he saw Kurt and Blaine cuddling on the bed. Finn was so shocked, he coughed a bit which woke up Kurt. Kurt looked up at Finn who was standing awkwardly at the door, then he looked to his side and saw Blaine's head still on his shoulder, and his armed lightly around Kurt's chest. Kurt carefully got Blaine off of him and stood up, Blaine was still in a deep sleep. Kurt quietly walked out of his room and shut the bedroom door behind him, leaving a sleeping Blaine alone. Finn stood there, staring at his step-brother with confusion.

"Bro, what the hell were you and Blaine doing?" Finn asked in an angry but also protective voice.

"We were watching Hairspray and Blaine fell asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake him up so I just stayed there and ended up falling asleep." Kurt said honestly. Finn gave Kurt a sceptical look, but dropped the subject when he remembered how hungry he was.

"Okay, anyway, I'm starving, and my mum and Burt's not here and you know I'm not allowed to cook so I need you to make me breakfast." Finn said. Kurt smiled and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"How does bacon, sausages and eggs sound?" Kurt asked. Finn nodded his head, almost drooling at the thought of that delicious breakfast. Finn sat at the table as Kurt cooked the food. Once Kurt finished up, he served a plate for Finn, Blaine and himself.

"Thanks buddy." Finn said with a mouth full of bacon. Kurt chuckled and went upstairs to see if Blaine was awake. He slowly opened to door, to see Blaine who was just waking up.

"Hey." Kurt said quietly. Blaine looked up to see Kurt leaning against the door frame. He smiled and sat up.

"Hey, sorry for sleeping in your bed." Blaine said.

"It's okay. Breakfast is ready, it's bacon, sausages and eggs." Kurt said while smirking. Blaine got out of bed and walked to the door. Kurt moved out of the way and they both walked downstairs to the table.

"Hey Blaine." Finn said as the two other boys sat down. Finn has already scoffed down his food.

"Hey Finn." Blaine said. Kurt and Blaine both finished their food and headed up to Kurt's room.

"I should probably get changed and go home." Blaine said while sighing. Kurt nodded and handed Blaine his neatly folded clothes. Blaine walked into the bathroom and Kurt went to his dresser to pick out a new outfit. He decided on black skinny jeans, a black turtle neck, a Beige sweater, and black knee high boots. Blaine walked out of the bathroom and Kurt went in to change into his clothes. Blaine folded the clothes he had borrowed from Kurt and placed them on top of the dresser. Blaine sat on the bed and waited for Kurt to exit the bathroom. Kurt walked out of the bathroom and put his pyjamas on top of the other ones on his chair. He sat next to Blaine on the bed and looked into his eyes.

"Have you got to go now?" Kurt asked, Blaine nodded and stood up. They walked to the front door together. Blaine opened the door then turned around to face Kurt.

"I really enjoyed yesterday, thank you. I'll text you when I get home." Blaine said, Kurt smiled and nodded. They stood there for a bit, then Blaine suddenly pulled Kurt into a hug. Kurt was shocked but then immediately hugged back. They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Bye Kurt." Blaine said.

"Bye Blaine." Kurt responded. Blaine walked away and got into his car. Kurt watched Blaine drive away until he was no longer in sight, then we walked back into the house and shut the door.

"Hey Kurt, do you want to watch a movie?" Finn asked. Kurt nodded and the two brothers sat on the couch and found a movie to watch.


Blaine sat in his car in the driveway. He really wasn't looking forward to going in his house. After about 10 minutes, he got out of his car, walked into his house and shut the door behind him.

"Oh looked who finally decided to show up. We missed you Blaine." Blake said sarcastically. Blaine rolled his eyes and tried to walk upstairs to his room, but his dad stopped him.

"And where the hell you do think you're going?" Blake asked. Blaine stepped back and looked at his father.

"To my room, is that not allowed?" Blaine asked with anger in his voice.

"Don't give me that attitude! Tell me where you were?" Blake said. Blaine crossed his arms. He knew his dad would go crazy if he said he was with Kurt, but he also knew that his dad can always tell when he was lying.

"I was with a friend." Blaine answered, being very vague.

"What friend?" His dad asked. Great, Blaine wasn't going to get out of this.

"Kurt." Blaine said quietly. He could practically see the fire of fury burning inside his dad.

"The fag? What the hell were you doing with him? And you slept at his house! Blaine I've told you I will NOT have a faggot in this house! He better not be turning you into one!" Blake shouted. Blaine looked like he was on the verge of either crying or punching someone.

"You can't call him that, there's nothing wrong with him! So what if he likes boys!" Blaine shouted back. His father walked up to him and grabbed his wrist tightly, Blaine wailed in pain over how tight Blake's grip was.

"It's not right. And I swear to god if you think your going to he a fag again you will never see the light of day! Do you know what, you need to have a girlfriend to set you straight." Blake said. Blaine was shocked, he didn't want a girlfriend. When Blaine didn't respond, Blake made his grip on Blake's wrist tighter.

"Ow! okay I'll get a girl." Blaine said. Blake dropped Blaine arm.

"Good, find a girlfriend and bring her over tomorrow. You can go to your room and I won't interrupt." Blake said, and with that, he walked back to the living room and continued to watch tv. Blaine ran up to his room and slammed the door shut. Why did his dad always have to be like this? Why does he have to be so mean to Kurt, he's never even met him. So what if Kurt likes guys, there's nothing wrong with that! Also, who the hell is going to be my girlfriend and have sex with me after 1 day?- Blaine thought. A single tear rolled down Blaine's cheek. Then, the perfect girl came into mind. Tomorrow at school, he was going to ask the her to come to his house and do it with him. Blaine quickly texted Kurt saying that he'd got home, then went to his desk and started to do his homework.


Blaine walked into the school building, he needed to find the girl that would hopefully sleep with him tonight. God this whole thing is so gross. What dad wants their kid to sleep with someone, and while their still in the house?- Blaine thought. He walked to his locker, grabbed his books, then walked around the corridor to find the person be needed to talk to. When he turned the corner, he saw the girl flirting with some guy. Blaine walked over as the other guy was just walking away.

"Hey, we need to talk." Blaine said to the girl. She turned around, her ponytail almost swatting Blaine in the face.

"What do you want?" Santana said. Blaine looked down at his feet, he really didn't want to do this, but he didn't have a choice.

"Want to come to my house tonight, we can go to my room?" Blaine asked quietly, Santana smirked.

"You want to have sex with me?" Santana said. Blaine nodded his head.

"You need to take me to dinner first, then we can do it. Meet me at Breadstix's, 7pm. Don't be late." Santana said, then she turned around and walked away. This was real, Blaine had a date with Santana, then he'd have to sleep with her. Blaine walked down the corridor to his first class.

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