Chapter 28

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Blaine, Finn, Burt and Carole were all sitting in the waiting room. Kurt was took in the ambulance straight to the hospital, Finn drove Blaine to the hospital and Burt and Carole met them at the hospital. All they had told them was that Kurt had to go into immediate surgery. They had been sitting in the waiting room for hours, Blaine got more and more anxious every second. Carole had her arm wrapped around Blaine and Blaine had his head rested on Carole's shoulder, he had been crying none stop. Kurt's family had always took Blaine as their own, as a part of their family, and Blaine loved them for that. Then a doctor walked into the room.

"Mr Hummel?" The doctor said. Burt jumped up and walked to the doctor. Blaine watched as the two talked for five minutes, then the doctor left. Burt turned around and his face was pale.

"What did he say honey?" Carole asked. Burt walked over to them and took a few deep breaths.

"The doctor said that he had internal bleeding, that's why he had to go into surgery. He's broke 4 of his ribs and his nose is broken, he also had some bleeding on the back of his head. His lip is cut and he's got a lot of bruises on his chest and stomach. They said he's lucky to be alive and that he's doing well. He's in a room recovering from surgery and we'll be able to see him in a couple of hours, but they don't know when he's going to wake up." Burt said, tears in his eyes. Blaine couldn't believe this was happening. He dug his head into Carole's shoulder and cried. Carole wrapped both of her arms around Blaine and pulled him closer, rubbing his back to help him calm down.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetie. He's going to be okay." She said soothingly. Burt sat back down. A bit later, Blaine had stopped crying and sat up. He wiped the tears away from his eyes and tried to control his breathing. A few hours later, the doctor came through.

"Kurt isn't awake yet, but you can see him if you would like. But I can only let two people in to see him at a time, we don't want to overwhelm him." The doctor said, Burt stood up and nodded.

"Me and Carole will go in first and then you two can go in if that's okay." Burt said. Blaine and Finn nodded, Carole stood up and they walked through the doors and to Kurt's room. Finn stood up and moved to sit next to Blaine.

"He's going to be okay you know. Kurt's really strong, he can get through anything." Finn said. Blaine put his head in his hands.

"It's my fault." Blaine said quietly, Finn didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean?" Finn asked, confused.

"It's my fault this happened to him. He was so scared about Karofsky being back and that's why he ran away at lunch. When I was sitting with him in the auditorium, I promised him that nothing would happen, and now look at us. He's in the hospital with loads of broken bones and he won't wake up. I should have been there when it happened, I should have protected him." Blaine said, tears slowly escaping his hazel eyes. Finn put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen. Kurt knows that, there's nothing you could have done. But I do know he'll be okay, and when you see him, you need to be strong. It'll be hard to see him in his current state, but you need to be strong, for Kurt." Finn said. This wasn't the usual Finn, he was normally goofy and childish, but Finn has just been serious and gave Blaine great advise.

"Thank you Finn." Blaine smiled. They sat in the waiting room for thirty minutes, until Burt and Carole came back out.

"We're going to head home, you can go see him now, and Blaine, you're always welcome at our house if you want to come over. You're family to us." Carole said, Blaine smiled at her. Both of Carole and Burt's eyes were puffy and red from crying. Blaine and Finn got up and walked to the door of Kurt's room. Blaine stopped outside the door, he couldn't go in. He didn't want to see Kurt weak and damaged, he couldn't handle it. Finn was about to open to door, but saw Blaine hesitating.

"Dude, you need to come in. Kurt will want to see you, even though he technically can't see you, he'll know you're there. I read a thing once saying that people in comas can hear the people that are talking to them, he'll want to hear you." Finn said to him. Blaine nodded and took a few deep breaths. Finn entered the room, and Blaine followed a few seconds later. Blaine walked into the room and saw Kurt, his boyfriend, his love. Kurt was pale and weak. He had tubes sticking in him all over the place, he had a huge cut on his lips. He had some small cuts on his eyebrow and cheek, he also had a black eye. There was a bit of gauze on the back of his head. His hair was thin and sticking to his forehead, not in the usual quiff he loved. He was wearing one of those disgusting hospital gowns, but he had a blanket over him. Finn was already sitting to the right of Kurt. Blaine walked over and sat on a chair next to Kurt's bed. The room was silent, no one knew what to say.

"Kurt going to be so angry when he wakes up, I mean his hair isn't styled and he's got "unfashionable clothes" on." Finn finally said. Blaine laughed at that comment, and it was probably true, knowing Kurt, that would be one of the first things he notices, Kurt always wants to look perfect. Even thought Blaine says Kurt's perfect no matter what. They sat there in silence, saying something every now and then. After thirty minutes, Finn stood up.

"I should get going, I'll leave you and Kurt alone." Finn said. He patted Blaine's shoulder, then walked out of the room. Blaine sat there, the room was horrifyingly silent. He leaned forward and grabbed Kurt's hand.

"Kurt I'm so sorry, I should have been there when everything went down. I didn't think that he would go... this far. I love you so much, there isn't enough words to express my love for you. You will be okay, I know that. I believe in you, I believe in us. You and me, that's what's sacred to me." Blaine smiled slightly. He gently squeezed his boyfriends hand.

"Finn read somewhere that people in comas can hear everything that's happening around them, and the people that are talking to them. It's probably just some made up story to make people fell better, and I do have to admit, thinking that you can hear what I'm saying right now does make everything a little bit easier. So, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand, I'm holding yours right now. Just squeeze back. Come on Kurt, just squeeze my hand." No movement, nothing. Blaine didn't realise he was crying until he saw the tears fall onto his and Kurt's hand. Blaine was getting tired, he had been awake for hours, and all the crying he had been doing made him exhausted, but he didn't want to leave Kurt. He gently climbed into the bed, next to Kurt. He draped his arm over Kurt's chest and nuzzled his head into Kurt's shoulder.

Nothing's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothing's gonna harm you
No sir, not while I'm around

Being close and being clever
Ain't like being true
I don't need to, I would never
Hide a thing from you
Like some
Demons'll charm you with a smile, for a while
But in time

Nothing can harm you
Not while I'm around

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