Chapter 16

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Blaine woke up to find his arms wrapped around Kurt's waist and Kurt sleeping on Blaine's chest. He looked down at Kurt who was peacefully sleeping, and smiled. Kurt looked so beautiful, wait what are you thinking Blaine?- Blaine thought. Blaine had always admired Kurt. every time he would see Kurt, Blaine would get crazy butterflies in his stomach. It was the type of nervous feeling that he used to get when he was talking to a hot girl, but now, no matter what girl, he would never get nervous. Even if the hottest or most popular girls were filtering with him, Blaine would take no interest. Ever since he had met Kurt, everything changed. What changed, Blaine wasn't sure, he just knows that everything was different, better. Blaine sat there, twirling Kurt's hair on his finger as Kurt lay there, in a peaceful sleep. After ten minutes of Blaine being awake and Kurt sleeping on his chest. Kurt's eyes slowly started to flutter open. Once he was fully awake and aware of his surroundings, he immediately started panicking inside, though showing no sign of panic to Blaine. Oh my god, how I'll long have I been sleeping on Blaine's chest like this? Oh god, he's going to know I have a crush on him and hate me- Kurt thought, rambling like a maniac in his head. Although Kurt tired fo hide his inner panic, Blaine could see it in Kurt's eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" Blaine asked softly, while smiling. Kurt sat up and looked at Blaine.

"Y-Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Kurt asked, panic seeping through his voice. Blaine moved and held Kurt's hand, intertwining their fingers.

"You were really panicky when you woke up and saw you were lying on top of me." Blaine said quietly. Kurt took a long, deep breath, then sighed.

"Sorry, I just... I just thought you'd be weirded out by cuddling with a gay guy when your straight. Most people would go insane and hate me forever." Kurt confessed. Blaine let go of Kurt hand and stood up. He grabbed both of Kurt hands and pull him off the sofa.

"Kurt, I'd never be ashamed to be see seen with you. Just because we do stuff that most guys don't do, doesn't make it wrong. Now come on so we can eat breakfast." Blaine said as he dragged Kurt to the kitchen. Kurt laughed and he sat down as Blaine made them both blueberry pancakes. Kurt decided he wanted to help so he made them both coffee. Once everything was prepared, they both sat at the table and ate their food. Kurt stayed for a few hours, until he decided he should probably head home. Blaine drove Kurt to his house and waited until Kurt was in his house and no longer in sight before driving home.


It was the next day. Blaine was sitting on his sofa while scrolling through his phone. Then, he heard people talking and the door click open.

"Blaine honey." A woman shouted, Blaine got off the sofa and walked over to the front door, and saw his mom and dad.

"Oh my gosh honey I've missed you so much, it's been months since I've seen you!" Pam said, walking over and hugging her son. Blake put the luggage down and stumbled over to the fridge, taking out a bottle of beer.

"Blaine, we need to talk." Blake said suddenly. Blaine looked down, knowing exactly what his dad was talking about. Pam stood their, looking from her son, to her husband, and then back to her son.

"What do you two need to talk about?" Pam asked, mainly out of pure curiosity, but also out of fear, knowing what can happen when her husband drinks.

"About what he done while I was away." Blake said, forcing a smile.

"Sweetie, go into the living room and relax, watch some TV. Me and Blaine can talk in the dining room." Blake said cheerily. Pam didn't want to, but forced herself to walk into the living room and watch the television, leaving the two alone. Blake went and got a new beer and walked into the dining room, signalling for Blaine to follow, which he did. Every step he took closer to the dining room, the more nervous and scared he got.

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