Chapter 19

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"You should join the New Directions." Kurt said out of no where. Blaine chocked on his cereal, almost spitting it across the table and onto Kurt.

"What?" He asked. Kurt raised one of his eyebrows.

"I said that you should join the New Directions. I mean you're an amazing singer." Kurt said. Blaine blushed and looked down.

"You think so?" Blaine asked, continuing to eat his cereal. Kurt nodded at him.

"Yeah, you're insanely talented. Everyone at glee club is really nice. If you joined, you could start your coming out journey there." Kurt said. Blaine wasn't sure about the idea of joining glee club. He loved to sing, music was his passion, but he didn't know if he wanted to join and ruin all the popularity he's built, but then again, he'd do anything for Kurt.

"I'll think about it, I promise." Blaine said. Kurt gave him a warm smile, and they finished their breakfast and went to school.


Kurt was walking down the empty corridor when he heard someone from afar storming down a corridor. The noise came closer and closer, until the person was standing right in front of Kurt.

"Sup homo." Karofsky said as he shoved Kurt by the shoulders.

"You're one to talk." Kurt murmured. Karofsky shot him a death glare.

"What the hell did you just say? You're the one that's a fag. Get out of my way." Karofsky says, pushing Kurt again before walking away. Kurt stands there, calming himself down and catching his breath. He hears footsteps running from behind him and coming closer and closer. He whips around, ready to face Karofsky again. When he turned around and took a fearful step back, he realised it was Blaine running up to him. Blaine had worry plastered all over his face.

"Kurt are you okay? I saw Karofsky near you and when he passed me he had a smirk on his face." Blaine said, carefully taking a step closer to Kurt. Kurt relaxed his shoulders and nodded his head.

"I'm okay, he didn't do anything." Kurt said reassuringly. Blaine smiled and stepped closer to Kurt. He took his hand, and placed the other one on Kurt's cheek and softly kissed him. Kurt was surprised, Blaine was the one that wanted to keep them a secret, and he was kissing him in the corridor in school, but Kurt relaxed and kissed him back. They pulled apart and Blaine smiled at him, while Kurt gave him a puzzled look.

"I thought you wanted to keep it a secret, especially in school." Kurt said with one eyebrow raised. Blaine rolled his eyes.

"No ones here, so no one can see us. There for we're safe." Blaine said, as he leaned in for another kiss.

"Come on, we should get to class." Blaine said as he walked down the hall, Kurt quickly following behind.


Kurt was sitting on his bed. He had being doing homework for the past two hours and his head hurt like crazy. He was so focused on his English essay he was currently writing, that he didn't notice Blaine slightly open the door and slip into the room, and shutting the door behind him. Blaine quietly sat behind Kurt on the bed, and wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck. Kurt dropped his pencil and moved his head so he could he who was behind him, and smiled when he saw it was Blaine. Blaine sat there, his arms around Kurt's neck, and planting kisses all over Kurt's cheek, then moving down to his jaw and then finally to his neck. Kurt sat there, leaning into Blaine and breathing heavily.

"Blaine." Kurt breathed. Blaine took his lips off of Kurt's neck, Kurt turned himself around so he could face his boyfriend.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You've been busy with homework for so long and you needed a break." Blaine said while smirking.

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