Chapter 4

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Blaine walked into school, late. That halls were empty as everyone was in their first class of the day. Blaine collected his late slip from the office and headed to his locker. He grabbed the books he'd need, although he couldn't remember what books he actually needed. He was too tired to remember anything. He eventually shut his locker and walked to his math class.

He slowly opened the door, hoping to be able to just slip in. But there was no luck.

"You're late Blaine." Mr Haven said. Blaine nodded, handing him the slip and going to his seat at the back, next to Kurt.

"Hey." Kurt whispered. Blaine turned and smiled at Kurt.

"Hey Kurt." Blaine said softly, only noticing then how tired he sounded. Kurt look at Blaine with concern.

"Are you okay? You sound exhausted." Kurt said. Blaine opened his book, he couldn't see the words on it, everything was a blur.

"Yeah, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Or any in fact." Blaine muttered. He could hardly hear what the teacher was saying, he hadn't been this tired in a while.

"You should go home and get some rest." Kurt said. Blaine shook his head.

"Can't. Parents will kill me if I come home and skip school." Blaine said while yawning, the only thing keeping him awake was this conversation.

"Then I'll take you to my house." Kurt said. Blaine's eyes went wide.

"What?" Blaine asked. Kurt smiled at Blaine, he was cute when he smiled. No Kurt, stop that Kurt thought.

"You need sleep Blaine. Carol and my dad are away at work so the house is empty. You can sleep in the guest room." Kurt said. Blaine was about to protest but Kurt interrupted him.

"Don't even try to talk yourself out of it. We'll go after this class is over." Kurt said. Blaine nodded and smiled at Kurt.

The period ended quickly and everyone walked out to go to their next class. Kurt and Blaine got their stuff and headed to Kurt's car. They jumped in and drove to Kurt's house. Blaine somehow managed to not fall asleep on the way there. They got out and Kurt unlocked the front door.

"Come on, I'll show you where the guest room is." Kurt said while walking, Blaine following closely behind. Kurt stopped and opened a doer to show the guest room. It was simple, a double bed, a bedside table, a few drawers and a tv. Blaine walked over and sat on the bed.

"I can get you something to change into, I don't think you'd want to sleep in jeans and a tight t-shirt." Kurt said. Blaine nodded and Kurt turned to go to his room. He came back a few minutes later and tossed Blaine a pair of sweatpants and an old baggy t-shirt.

"They might be a bit big, since you're a hobbit." Kurt said while smirking. Blaine playfully punched him.

"I'm not a hobbit!" Blaine said while pouting. They both laughed. Kurt left and walked downstairs to let Blaine get changed. A few minutes later, Blaine walked downstairs and saw Kurt sitting on the couch, reading a magazine. Blaine stood there for a minute, then spoke.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, you're skipping school just to let me sleep." Blaine stood there, hands clasped while looking at the ground. Kurt put down his magazine and smiled at Blaine.

"Blaine, if you didn't come here and sleep you would have passed out at school, I don't mind skipping school for one day. Now go to bed." Kurt said. Blaine looked up into Kurt's eyes. He smiled and nodded, heading upstairs to the guest room. He got under the covers and fell asleep almost instantly.


"Blaine, Blaine." Kurt said softly. Blaine slowly opened and rubbed his eyes. Kurt was sat at the end of the bed. Blaine smiled and sat up.

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