Chapter 9

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Blaine drove to Breadstix's, he really didn't want to do this. He doesn't even like Santana, plus everyone could tell that Santana totally had a thing for Brittany. Everything about this was wrong, but he was still doing it. He got out of his car and walked into the restaurant. He saw Santana sitting at a table and walked over to her.

"Hi." Blaine said as he sat down. Santana didn't say anything. The waitress came over to take their orders.

"We'll both have spaghetti and a water." Santana said. The waitress nodded and walked away. they sat in silence, Blaine twiddled his thumbs. Everything about this was extremely awkward.

"Why do you want this?" Santana suddenly asked.

"Want what?" Blaine said, pretending to be clueless to what Santana was saying, even though he knew exactly what she was talking about.

"To have sex with me?" She said. Blaine gulped and looked down at his hands.

"You're hot." Blaine lied. He really wasn't in the mood to explain why he was doing this.

"Yeah I know that. But there must be another reason, I mean you've been all over Hummel and suddenly you want to do it with me?" Santana said. Blaine shot his head up.

"What do you mean? I don't like Kurt like that, we're just friends." Blaine spat. Santana put her hands up in defence.

"Calm down Anderson." She said, Blaine looked down, not wanting to make eye contact. A few minutes later, their food arrived. They sat in silence, and at the end Blaine paid for the meal. They left the restaurant and walked to Blaine's car.

"Wait, if you don't have a car with you, how did you get here?" Blaine asked.

"Ever heard of a taxi?" Santana said sarcastically, Blaine chuckled and they got into his car and drove to Blaine's house. Once they arrived, they walked into his house and went up to Blaine room. Blaine had eventually convinced his dad to not be in the house when he brought Santana over, so Blake decided to take a holiday for a few days.

They walked into Blaine's room and Santana sat on his bed. Blaine stood at the end of the bed awkwardly.

"What the hell are you doing, come here so we can do this. Cause I've got Brittany coming over later and I wantz on those lady lips and I wantz on them now." Santana said. blaine sat next to her and gave her a confused look. Santana just realised she had just admitted she liked Brittany. Before Blaine could say anything, Santana turned to him and kissed him. It quickly turned into a hot make out session. Blaine pushed Santana down so she was lying down on the bed and Blaine was on top of her. Blaine took his t-shirt off and went down to continue their make out.

"Let's get this over with." Blaine whispered against her lips.


Blaine was lying down on his bed under the covers, with only his top off.

"This was a complete waste of my time. You're the one that wanted to have sex, and you couldn't even go through with it." Santana said, gathering her things. Blaine put his hands over his face, desperately trying not to cry.

"I know I'm sorry. I thought I wanted it but I didn't." Blaine said, his voice shaky.

"Well you could have known that before you asked me. Now I've got to go... see Brittany, bye." Santana said as he left the bedroom. Blaine listened to her walk down the stairs, and out the door. As soon as he head the front door shut, he immediately started crying. I never wanted this, I knew since my dad first told me to go find a girl that I didn't want to do it. What the hell was I thinking to go through with it. God I'm so stupid.- Blaine thought. After crying for a long 10 minutes, he collected himself and put his t-shirt back on. He grabbed his phone and opened Kurt's contact, he wanted to text him, he desperately wanted to tell him what happened and talk about everything, but he couldn't, he was too embarrassed, too ashamed. He put his phone in his pocket and walked downstairs to get some food.


Kurt walked into school, he wanted to find Blaine. They had hung out at lunch yesterday, but Blaine hardly talked, it was like something major was occupying his mind. Walked around the corridors, but Blaine was nowhere. He decided to stop looking since he had to go to his first class.

It was almost the end of lunch and Kurt hadn't seen Blaine all day. He took out his phone and called him. After 3 attempts, Blaine finally answered.

(Kurt - Blaine)

Hey Blaine, are you in school?
What, oh shit I must have slept in.
Are you okay? You hardly talked yesterday and now you're not in school.
Um.. yeah, yeah I'm good. I'm just tired.
Oh okay, I'll leave you to get more sleep then.
A-actually Kurt, do you think you could come over to mine after school?
Yeah I can, is there a reason why? Not that you need one I'm just asking?
N-no I just want to hang out with you, that's all.
Okay, I'll see you after school when I get there.
Okay bye.
Bye Blaine.*

Kurt hung up and walked down the corridor to his next class.

"Oh look who it's is, homo-Hummel." Someone shouted behind Kurt. He turned around and saw Azimio and Karofsky walking up to him. Kurt tried to get away but they were too fast and had already grabbed him by the collar on his shirt.

"Please, let me go." Kurt managed to say. Karofsky let go of Kurt's collar, but then put his hand on Kurt's chest so he was pinned against the row of lockers. The two jocks laughed.

"You really thought we were going to give up that easily?" Azimio said. Tears started rolling down Kurt's cheek. Karofsky raised his fist and punched Kurt in the stomach. Kurt fell to the floor, pain overpowering his body, there was definitely gong to be a bruise. Kurt cluched his stomach as Azimio and Karofsky walked away, laughing and giving each other high fives. Kurt sat on the floor, wrapping his arms around his stomach and crying intensely. He was already late to his class so at his point the didn't even care about going at all. He stood up and walked through the front door of the school, and headed to his car. He started the car and drove to Blaine's, he didn't care if he missed his last few classes, his stomach hurt to much, and he really wanted to see Blaine.

Kurt parked in front of Blaine's house and got out of his car. He slowly walked up to the front door and stood at the door for a few seconds, before knocking.

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