Chapter 27

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It was now Monday. Kurt was sitting downstairs eating cereal for breakfast. He then heard someone stumble down the stairs. Finn then came into the kitchen.

"Morning Finn." Kurt said. Finn rubbed his eyes and walked over to the cupboard for cereal.

"Morning." He groggily said. Kurt chuckled and Finn sat down at the kitchen island to join him.

"Do you need a ride to school?" Kurt asked.
Finn shook his head.

"Nah, I'm going to get Rachel and take her to school with me." Finn said with his mouth full. Kurt finished his breakfast and went out of the kitchen. He grabbed his bag and got into his car and drove to school.

Kurt arrived at school and walked into the building, when he got to his locker Mercedes was already standing there.

"Hey boo." Mercedes said as Kurt reached his locker.

"Hey Mercedes." Kurt said, he opened his locker and got out the books he needed.

"I saw Blaine, he looks happy today, almost like he's glowing. In fact, you look the same. Did something happen?" She asked. Kurt shoved her lightly by the shoulder and they laughed.

"Well, Blaine did take me out and a romantic date on Valentine's Day. It was really sweet." Kurt said. Mercedes raised her eyebrow. She was about to question more, but the bell rang.

"Well I've got to go to class, bye." Mercedes said. Kurt waved as she walked off and down the corridor. He shut his locker and someone tapped his shoulder. Kurt turned around and saw Blaine smiling at him.

"Hey." Blaine said.

"Hey Blaine." Kurt replied.

"Can I walk you to class?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded and they walked to class together.

It was now lunch, Kurt was on his way to the cafeteria to sit with the glee club. Then someone grabbed him by the shoulder and flung him to the side of the corridor. Kurt looked up and saw Karofsky.

"Did you miss me?" Karofsky sarcastically asked. Kurt tried not to shake out of fear. Karofsky has been suspended for getting in a fight with someone, then after Kurt's dad had complained to the school board about Karofsky harassing Kurt, extra days were added to his suspension, totalling in a month suspension. But now he was back, and he was angrier than ever.

"I know you complained about me, that you made my suspension longer. Mark my words, I will get you back for this." Karofsky growled, then he walked down the corridor and out of sight. Kurt shakily stood up and continued to walk to the cafeteria. He got some food and sat down at a table with the rest of the glee club. He sat down next to Blaine and across from Mercedes. Blaine could tell something was off with Kurt. Kurt wasn't talking to anyone, he wasn't looking at anyone, he was just staring at his food while playing with it, not even eating it.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked. Kurt didn't say anything, he wasn't paying attention to Blaine, he was too deep in his thoughts. Blaine placed a hand on Kurt's shoulder, Kurt flinched and almost jumped up, but calmed down when he saw it was just Blaine. Blaine frowned at him.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" Blaine asked, clear worry in his voice. Kurt looked at Blaine in the eyes and put on a fake smile.

"Nothings wrong." He said. Blaine knew he was lying.

Secret LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora