Chapter 11

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They next few days had been peaceful. Other than the occasional person shoving and bullying Kurt, everything had been normal and quiet. Blaine and Kurt would sit and eat lunch together, they would go get coffee after school, and sometimes go to each other's house to watch movies and hang out, they were almost inseparable. Blaine and his dad hadn't talked yet as Blaine's mum -Pam- wanted her and Blake to go visit Blaine's brother since he had gotten a new girlfriend. So Blaine was alone in his house again, but he didn't mind. Actually, he preferred it. But Pam and Blake said they should be home in a month or two, they would probably take a spontaneous holiday before they come home.


"Hey boo." Kurt turned around to see Mercedes standing beside him.

"Hi 'cedes." Kurt said, smiling, but Mercedes didn't smile back. She had a completely serious face, which for some reason scared Kurt a bit.

"What's wrong? You've got your serious face on." Kurt asked. Mercedes sighed and looked into Kurt's eyes.

"You and Blaine have been hanging out a lot, and I just... I don't want you to get upset or disappointed." She said. Kurt furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. Mercedes looked down at her feet.

"Kurt, Blaine's straight and you know that. I don't want you to get a crush on him then do something stupid and get your heart crushed. And trust me I want more than anything for you to have a hot boyfriend at your side, and I know that it's okay to have a crush, but I'm just trying to look out for you." Mercedes said. Kurt looked at her, gradually getting more and more angry.

"Mercedes I know he's straight and I won't do anything stupid. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't have straight guy friends." Kurt snapped.

"I know I know... I'm sorry. How about I take you shopping after school to make up for it?" Mercedes suggested. Kurt smiled and nodded his head.

"Good. Well I've got to go to class, bye." Mercedes said, then she walked away down the corridor. Kurt leaned against the row of lockers. He didn't want to admit it, but he might like Blaine a bit. But he knew he would never have him like that. Kurt noticed Blaine out the corner of his eye. Three girls were surrounding Blaine, clearly flirting with him. Mercedes was right, he needed to get over this crush.

Three cheerleaders had surrounded Blaine. Blaine was used to it my now. Pretty much every day, some girl would flirt with him.

"You're cute." One said

"Yeah like totally hot." The other one said.

"I mean you're smoking, and we're hot cheerleaders. We're meant to be." The last one said. They kept rambling on about how hot they are and how them and Blaine should go out on a date. Blaine wasn't interested, so he just stood there, presenting to pay attention to them. He didn't know what was up with him, any guy would jump at the opportunity to go on a date with these girls. Hell, Blaine used to jump at the opportunity to go out with any girl. But now, no matter what girl it was, he was never even a little bit interested. He snapped himself out of his daydream and looked past the girls, and saw Kurt who was alone at his locker.

"Sorry girls, but I'm not interested. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go." Blaine said as he pushed past them. The girls stood there disgusted and shocked, seeing as they never got turned down. Blaine walked over to where Kurt was standing.

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