Chapter 18

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Kurt woke up at the sound of his alarm blaring. He reluctantly rolled out of bed and walked into his ensuite to take a shower. He got out of the shower and put on a pair of boxers and pyjama bottoms, leaving the top half of him bare. He walked out of the ensuite to see Blaine sitting on the end of Kurt's bed. Kurt jumped back.

"Jesus Blaine you scared the crap out of me." Kurt said as he placed his hand on his heart to clam himself down. Blaine chuckled as he stood up and walked over to Kurt. Kurt noticed that Blaine was looking at his bare chest, which made Kurt blush. Blaine noticed Kurt blushing and broke his gaze to look at his boyfriend in the eyes.

"Morning to you too." Blaine said while smirking. He gave Kurt a quick peck on the lips.

"I just came in to say that Carole's made breakfast." Blaine said. Kurt nodded.

"I'll be down once I'm ready." Blaine nodded and he left the room. Kurt turned around and picked an outfit, which was black skinny jeans, a white shirt, and black boots. He made his hair into a perfect quiff, grabbed his bag and his phone and went downstairs.

"Hi dad." Kurt said as he sat at the dinner table next to Blaine. Burt looked up and smiled at him.

"Kurt, we've got glee practice after school today." Finn said through a mouthful of bacon. Kurt looked at him with disgust at how he was eating like a pig. Blaine noticed how disgusted Kurt looked and had to hide his laugh. They finished eating and Kurt and Blaine put all the dishes into the dishwasher, Carole and Burt has just left for work and Finn had left to go pick up Rachel. Kurt was at the sink washing his hands when Blaine walked up to him and wrapped his hands around Kurt's waist and rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt relaxed into Blaine touch and smiled.

"We'll need to leave for school soon." Blaine sighed. Kurt dried his hands and turned around to face Blaine.

"Yeah, we should probably leave now. Come on, I'll drive." Kurt said as he took Blaine's hand and walked out the house, locking the door behind him. They climbed into Kurt's car and drove to school.

"Just so we're clear, we have to act how we were before, just as friends." Blaine said. Kurt kept his eyes on the road but nodded. There was silence, until Blaine spoke again.

"Kurt I'm really sorry about this, you shouldn't have to keep it a secret just because I'm not out. I would be way easier for you if you dated someone who was actually out of the closet." He said while looking out the window. Kurt reached over and took Blaine's hand.

"It's okay Blaine. You'll come out when you're ready, and I'll be next to you, holding your hand and supporting my boyfriend the whole time." Kurt said as he quickly looked at Blaine and flashed him a smile. They arrived at school and got out of the car and walked into the building together.

"I've got to go talk to coach Beiste, I'll see you later." Blaine said. Kurt waved and Blaine turned a corner and walked away. This was going to be harder than Kurt thought. He went to his locker, got his books out and went to his first class.


"You need to come over to mine today." Mercedes said. Kurt looked up. It was now lunch, Kurt was sitting with the glee club and Blaine was sitting with the football guys.

"Why?" Kurt questioned.

"Because we haven't hung out in ages, we're going to watch a movie and talk about boys, have a girls night. But no Rachel, just me and you today." Mercedes said, whispering the last part so Rachel didn't hear, but Rachel was too busy bragging about a solo she had been given.

"Okay I'll come over, but I can't stay at your house tonight. I've got homework that I need to do for tomorrow." Kurt said. Mercedes smiled and nodded her head. Kurt looked past Mercedes at the football table, where Blaine was sitting. Blaine looked up and saw Kurt and smiled at him, then turned to continue his conversation with one of the guys. Kurt sighed, of course he would support Blaine 100% and would never force him to come out, but he wished that he could openly be Blaine's boyfriend without being scared. Kurt shook himself out of his thoughts and turned to talk to Brittany.


"Guys we need to start thinking about sectionals, now that Joe moved to Florida and Matt transferred schools, we don't have enough people to qualify. So I want everyone to try and convince people to join glee. That's all for today, bye everyone." Will said as glee practice ended. Kurt got up and walked over to Mercedes.

"Come on boo, lets go." Mercedes said as she linked arms with him and walked to Kurt's car. They got in his car and drove to Mercedes house. Once they were there, they got out of the car and went up to Mercedes room. She went downstairs and came back with popcorn.

"Okay, you need to tell me what's going on between you and Blaine." Mercedes said as she sat down. Kurt gave her a puzzled look.

"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked. Mercedes rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't give me that. There is something going on. Blaine wouldn't stop staring at you in biology today, and I saw you too smiling at each other at lunch." She said. Kurt sat up and looked at her.

"And you think something's going on because we smiled at each other?" He asked.

"Don't dance around the subject. Tell me if somethings going on." She said. Kurt sat back. Should he tell her that they're dating, Kurt trusted Mercedes with his life, she was the first person he'd ever come out to. But would Blaine be mad if Kurt told someone.

"Nothings going on, we're just friends. Do you want to watch a movie now?" Kurt said. He decided it would be wrong if he told someone about Blaine before asking him first. Mercedes looked sceptical, but got up and picked a movie. Mercedes sat next to Kurt on the bed as 'Annie' started to play.

It's was 11:26pm. They had watched a bunch of movies and just finished 'Matilda'. Kurt stood up and turned to face Mercedes.

"I should probably go. Bye 'cedes." Kurt said. Mercedes stood up and hugged her friend.

"Bye boo, see you at school tomorrow." She said. Kurt smiled and walked out of the house and got into his car. Once he was home, he slowly opened the front door, since it was likely that everyone was asleep and he didn't want to wake them up. He quietly walked to the living room, and almost had a heart attack when he saw someone sitting at the couch. The person stood up and Kurt realised it was Blaine.

"Oh my god Blaine what is with you and scaring me today." Kurt said while slightly annoyed. Blaine chuckled and walked over to where Kurt was standing.

"Sorry, I wanted to make sure you were okay and that you got home so I stayed up, and I wanted to see you as well." Blaine said as he took Kurt's hand. Kurt smiled at him.

"I like this sweet side of you." Kurt said to Blaine. Blaine gave him a loving smile and put a hand on Kurt's cheek and gave him a sweet kiss. Kurt smiled against his lips and they both pulled back.

"Come on it's late. We should go to sleep." Blaine said as he took Kurt's hand and walked upstairs. They stopped at the guest room and gave each other a long kiss.

"I'll see you in the morning." Kurt whispered as he walked down the hall and went into his room. Blaine leaned against the wall. He was falling for Kurt, falling hard. Kurt was perfection, he couldn't wait until he could walk down the street hand in hand, kiss in public, do anything a couple would do without people judging him. He snapped out of his thoughts,  went into the room and went to sleep.

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