Epilogue 1

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2 years later

Blaine, Kurt and Rachel we're headed to Ohio to visit their family. Their plane had landed not long ago and Kurt and Blaine were on their way to Kurt's house.

They walked up to the front door and chapped on it. Burt opened the door and his face lit up.

"Kurt, Blaine! It's so good to see you guys!" Burt said, embracing them both in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Burt asked them once they'd all separated.

"We haven't seen you since Finn and Rachel's wedding, and that was 7 months ago. So we thought we should come back and visit." Kurt said. Burt let them into the house and they all sat down in the living room.

"Carole, Kurt and Blaine are here." Burt shouted into the kitchen. Carole entered the living room and walked over to them and gave them both a hug.

"Oh my gosh guys, it's so good to see you." Carole said. Kurt and Carole got into a conversation and Blaine turned to Burt.

"Hey Burt, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?" Blaine asked. Burt nodded and they both got up and walked into the kitchen.

"What's up?" Burt asked once they sat down at the kitchen island.

"I... I wanted to ask you something." Blaine said, clearly nervous.

"Go on." Burt said. Blaine took a deep breath then continued.

"I wanted to formally ask for your permission, to ask Kurt to marry me." Blaine said. Burt's eyes went wide.

"You're serious?" Burt asked. Blaine nodded.

"Yeah, I'm serious. I mean we've been together for almost three years, and I want to take the next big step in our relationship." Blaine said to him. Burt thought for a minute, then looked at Blaine.

"I know that you and Kurt love each other a lot. Blaine, it would be an honour to have you as my son-in-law. You have my permission." Burt said. Blaine's eyes lit up and a smile crept up on his face.

"Really? Oh my god thank you so much Burt." Blaine said, he walked round the island and gave Burt a quick hug.

"What's going on?" Kurt asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Just catching up." Burt said. Burt and Blaine smiled at each other and walked into the living room so everyone could talk and catch up with each other.


2 weeks later

"Dad, where are we going?" Kurt asked as they were in the car.

"It's a surprise." Burt said to him. Kurt rolled his eyes and stared outside the car window. They eventually arrived at a field, the same field Kurt and Blaine had their valentines years ago date.

"Dad why are we here?" Kurt asked. Burt smiled at him.

"Just get out of the car." Burt said to him. Kurt hesitatingly got out of the car and saw a beautiful sight. There was fairy lights wrapped around the trees, triangle banners were hanging from tree to tree, it was beautiful. The whole of the New Directions was there, kurt didn't recognise them since they were all new. Other glee clubs where there, like The Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline and the Haverbrooks School for the Deaf. All former New Direction members where there as well. Copper Anderson, Pam Anderson and Carole were there,  Burt ran over to join them. Kurt didn't know what was happening. Then he saw Blaine, his hair fully gelled and wearing a white shirt, a navy sweater vest with yellow stripes, a yellow blazer, yellow trousers, white shoes and a blue and red bow tie. He had the biggest smile on his face. Music stared to play around them and Blaine got ready to sing.

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