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Orion was just wakes up when he heard somebody knocks his hotel room's door. He goes and checks it and sees Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi at his front door.

"Oh, what do you two want from me?" asked Orion.

"Look, dude. We're here to talk", said Omega.

"Fine, come in then", said Orion before let the Golden Lovers in. they then take a seat at chairs besides the bed while Orion sits at his bed.

"Look, man. I know we're never being close in your first run in New Japan, but just you to know, I have a respect on you since you're great young talent that have bright future but you've being wasted by WWE", said Omega.

"Look, mate. If you're here just want to talk about my career in WWE, don't waste our time. I'm not going to talk about it right now", said Orion.

"Oh, no. that's not why we're here. We're here to ask you to join us to whip Cody's ass for good", said Omega.

"Look. I've no interest to be part of BTE problem. But I'm telling you this, some people don't look happy with it. And if I were you, I will always being on guard", said Orion.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Omega.

"You'll know it soon enough", replied Orion.

"Huh, very well. I guess I will not having you in our side. I'll see you later then", said Omega. Orion just nodded before Omega and Ibushi makes their way out of his room. A few minutes later, another person came to meet him. This time, it's The American Nightmare Cody and his wife Brandi.

"Let me guess. You want me to be on your side, aren't you?" asked Orion.

"Well, we have such similarities; leaving WWE after being wasted and directly come to New Japan and join the Bullet Club", said Cody.

"Look, mate. I am seriously not interested to be part of BTE problem. I have Naito at Dominion this June. I'll be focusing on that for now", said Orion.

"Come on, Orion. Just help us this time", said Brandi.

"Look, mate. I already told you I'm not interested. Besides why don't you ask the Tongan to help you? They're better than me", said Orion.

"Well, I don't think that they will be agree to help us", said Cody.

"So, what makes you think I will help you? After all if you remember correctly, I joined Bullet Club in the same year as Kenny Omega. Don't you think I'll be joining him instead of you?" asked Orion.

"Do you?" asked Brandi.

"He did come few minutes before you to ask me the same you're asking me right now. And I gave him the same answer I give to you just now", said Orion.

"Huh, very well", said Cody before left with Brandi. Then, Orion takes his phone and sends message to somebody; Look mate. Kenny and Cody come to me to ask me to join them. Who the hell they think they are?" before went to take a shower. Later another person knocks his door. He swears if it's somebody that related to BTE, he will curse that person badly. Gladly, it's his fellow Bullet Club member that are also his best friend; Lukas Kahn or known as Lukas Storm in most American and British promotions.

"Hey, mate. Glad it's not someone from BTE", said Orion.

"They bothering you too, huh?" asked Lukas.

"Too? It's seems that they bothering you too, huh. Damn", said Orion. Lukas just chuckled.

"By the way, mate. I heard you've nothing to do this weekend" asked Lukas.