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Senai International Airport;

After landed, Orion makes his way to the arriving hall where Hariz already waiting for him.

"So, mate. No Ara with you this time?" asked Hariz.

"No, she's busy", said Orion.

"I see. Let's go, then", said Hariz. Then, both of them walked to Hariz's car. After Orion puts his stuff in the car booth, they left the airport.

Inside the car;

"So, mate. I heard you're wrestle full time now", said Orion.

"Yeah. I'm suck with job interview though", said Hariz. Orion just chuckled.

"Don't worry. You'll get it next time. Besides, wrestling gives you a lot of money though especially you're part of most wrestling promotions in Malaysia", said Orion.

"Yeah. I know I'll never regret when I starts wrestle few years ago", said Hariz.

"By the way, do you have a match tonight?" asked Orion.

"Yeah. Me and my partner will defend our title against the Haziq Twins", said Hariz.

"While I'll be facing Chase Nolan. To be honest, I never thought I'll see him wrestle again", said Orion.

"Well, he's The Undead after all. Despite being in comma state for 2 years, he's damn good", said Hariz.

"Yes. I wonder when will he returns to a major promotion", said Orion.

"We wouldn't know that. Besides, he said he will just take it easy for time being", said Hariz. Then, they arrived at the hotel and make their way to the penthouse.

"Thanks for allow me to stay here for free, mate", said Orion.

"Don't mention it, bro. Besides, we're lucky my uncle let us stay here for free", said Hariz. After put his stuff, Orion and Hariz order food from the room service. While waiting, they played FIFA 19. Then, FH Zrayne came in with Aliff Havoc and Randy Gates.

"Seriously, you're a wrestler but playing football games?" asked FH.

"What's wrong with that?" asked Hariz.

"Why don't you played wrestling game?" asked FH.

"C'mon, FH. We are wrestler but we are human too. We can't just related everything in our live with wrestling", said Orion.

"Yeah, right. Whatever. I'm going to take a nap for a while", said FH.

"Nap or FaceTime with some witch?" asked Hariz.

"Shut the fuck up, Sniper", said FH before go the bedroom. The others just chuckled.

Later that night;

Orion arrived at the arena with other wrestlers that stay in the penthouse. After changing to his gear, Orion and the others wait for their matches at the catering area where he meets up with Chase Nolan.

"Ready for tonight?" asked Orion.

"Yes. Let's make it a 5-stars match", said Nolan.

"Of course. But still, I can't believe that you'll back in action now", said Orion.

"I know that. Even I can't believe it too", said Nolan.

"So, when will you returning to major promotions?" asked Orion.

"Maybe next year. Going to take it easy for a while", said Nolan.

"I see", said Orion.

Later in the main event;