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A few days later at Los Angeles, California;

It's a training match between LA Galaxy and West Ham United later in the evening. Since Orion has not being booked by any promotion, he decides to take the flight to LA to watch his favourite club plays. He puts on his West Ham United long sleeve jersey and scarf before went of from the hotel. When he walks into a diner, things is quite peaceful until a little boy comes to him.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you The Glory Hunter; Orion Steel?" asked the boy.

"Yes. Do you know me, boy?" asked Orion in return.

"Of course. You're my favourite wrestler. Can I have your autograph please?" asked the boy.

"Sure. Come here", said Orion before signing on the boy's Bullet Club cap. Then, Orion takes out his phone and takes a selfie with the boy. Later, a middle aged couple approach them.

"Oh, sir. I'm sorry if our son here disturbing you", said the boy's mom.

"No, ma'am. He just asking for my autograph", said Orion.

"Autograph? Wait a second. Are you Orion Steel of Bullet Club?" asked the boy's father. Suddenly everybody look at them and whispering.

"Yeah it's me, sir", replied Orion.

"Oh my god. Never thought that you'll be here", said the boy's mother.

"Thank you very much for your time, sir. Our boy here had autism, so he just, you know", said the boy's father.

"It's nothing. I just proud that I have fans", said Orion.

"After how you treat our son today, I believe you'll gain more", said the boy's mom.

"Thanks, ma'am", said Orion.

"Can we take a picture together?" asked the boy's father.

"Sure. C'mon", said Orion before stands at the left side of the family. He asks a waiter to help take the picture.

"Thank you for your time, sir", said the boy's father.

"No problem. Can I know your name?" asked Orion.

"Sure. I'm James, my wife here Barbara and our boy here Robbie", said James.

"Robbie, huh. Just like my mentor's name. Want to be a wrestler, Robbie?" asked Orion.

"Yes, it's my dream", answered Robbie.

"Then, keep up your effort. Fight for your dream, and your dream will comes to you. Got it?" asked Orion.

"Okay. 1 day I will defeat you", said Orion.

"Let's hope that time I still can wrestle", said Orion before pats Robbie's shoulder. The family thanks him once more before left. But then, more person come to takes picture with him. Later, he finished his meal and left the diner to the stadium.

On his way to the stadium, he accidently bumped into Lyra. They're stunned for a while before hug each other.

"Orion Steel, you didn't tell me you're in LA", said Lyra.

"Sorry, it's last minute planning", said Orion.

"Why are you here actually? I didn't get any info that you were booked for any show in LA", said Lyra.

"Because I don't have any booking. I'm here for West Ham", said Orion.

"Seriously? I thought you're here to watch me in action", said Lyra.

"Sorry, I don't even know that you'll be live here in LA", replied Orion.

"Of course you don't. You're no longer a WWE superstar after all", said Lyra.