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Orion just arrived to London. When he arrived at the arrival hall, he saw Ara already waiting for him. He then walked towards her before hugs her tightly.

"Welcome home, little brother", said Ara.

"Thanks, sis", said Orion. Then, both of them walked to the car.

During the drive;

"So, no bookings from any promotion?" asked Ara.

"No", said Orion.

"That's good", said Ara.

"Why?" asked Orion.

"You can accompany me at home", said Ara.

"Aww, you feel lonely without me? I'm touched", said Orion.

"Yeah, right. But still, it's kind of weird hearing you didn't get booked by any promotion", said Ara.

"Yes, but it just for now. We didn't know later", said Orion.

"Yes. It always been like that, right", said Ara.

That night;

Orion is having dinner with his family.

"So, Orion. How many years do you think you have in wrestling?" asked David.

"Well, to be honest, dad. I don't know just yet", said Orion.

"I see", said David.

"Why did you suddenly asking that?" asked Orion.

"Oh, nothing. Just curious though. I wonder if you're going to wrestle until you're so old like Ric Flair or something", said David.

"No way. I don't think I still want to wrestle at that age though", said Orion.

"I hope not. I want to see you getting married too", said Ara.

"Well, let the time decided it", said Orion.

"So, what's the deal between you and Steffanie?" asked Ara.

"Nothing. We're good friend. That's all", said Orion.

"Really, that's all? Not more than that?" asked Ara.

"Yup. Besides, I have no time for more than that. Besides, I'm just 23 years old though. Still got plenty of time before thinking about marriage or something like that", said Orion.

"My brother is using his brain. Your sister here is so proud", said Ara.

"ARAAA", said Orion. Ara just chuckled.

Later that night;

Orion walked around Thames River side when he saw Tegan Nox was there.

"Thinking about something?" asked Orion. Tegan turned around and saw Orion.

"Orion. You didn't tell me you're back in London", said Tegan.

"London is where I came from. You're the one that shall tell me if you came here", said Orion.

"Yeah, whatever", said Tegan.

"You still didn't answer my question earlier, Steff", said Orion.

"Oh, that. Well, you can say that", said Tegan.

"What, thinking about marriage already?" asked Orion.

"No, silly. I was thinking about my injury", said Tegan.

"I see. I know exactly how it feel", said Orion.

"Of course you know. Your career in WWE before was killed by it before, right?" asked Tegan.