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Orion just arrived at Osaka that morning. After checked in to the hotel, he walked around the town for a while. Then, he saw his friends from BCOG were at a diner. He then made his way there.

"Aye, aye", greeted Orion before took a seat.

"Hey, dude. You sure have a good vacation", said Tama.

"Yeah, until some Janitor came and spoiled it", said Orion.

"I'm glad I followed him so close. At least I get a chance to beat him up alone before Kingdom", said Lukas.

"Yeah, right. But before that, I will get a chance to beat him up first tomorrow night", said Orion.

"That's true. Show him what did you made of", said Fale.

"Of course. All of you know it very well that I want to kick his arse the moment I made my return here in New Japan. Tomorrow, I'll get my chance", said Orion.

"But, just one thing, Orion. Make sure that he still can fight at Wrestle Kingdom 13. I've been waiting to whoop his arse for such a very long time too", said Lukas.

"No promise there, brother", said Orion. The rest chuckled. Then, suddenly Cody passed by with Brandi and The Young Bucks.

"See you punks tomorrow night", said Cody.

"Sure. Just make sure that your wife didn't cry after we beat you up later", said Lukas.

"Don't be so confident, Kahn. We will beat your ass so badly that you might think twice before facing Kenny at Wrestle Kingdom 13", said Nick Jackson.

"We'll see about that. We all knows how's you are all talk. We already take away the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team title with us, the only thing that left is to destroy your dignity", said Tanga Loa. Matt Jackson is about to say something but Tama cuts him off.

"Shut up, Matt. Nobody interested to hear what you want to say", said Tama.

"Boys, let's go. There's no use talking here", said Brandi. Then, Cody and Young Bucks walked away.

"Darn, Aliphate. That was harsh", said Orion.

"Said a boy that only being nice when his sisters around", said Tama. The rest just chuckled.

On the next night for Power Struggle;

Orion arrived at Osaka Perfectural Gymnasium. He then made his way straight to the locker room where the rest of BCOG members are already there.

"You boys so early", said Orion.

"Why won't us? It's the last pay-per-view before Wrestle Kingdom after all", said Jay White.

"That's true", said Taiji Ishimori.

"Yes. Not to mention, we will have you to beat up Kenny Omega in the main event", said Robbie Eagles.

"That's true. Fuck'em", said Fale. The rest just chuckled. Later, Orion changed into his wrestling gear.

Later on;

Orion is ready at the stand by area all by himself while Kenny Omega will be accompany by Kota Ibushi.

"No back-up with you? You're either understimate me or you're too fool", said Omega.

"Not both. But you, it's either you too dumb to understand this is a singles match or you're afraid of me which is why you bring Ibushi with you", said Orion.

"Not both. I just brought him with me because who knows you might setup someone else to help you in the match when you're about to lose against me later", said Omega.