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Orion just arrived at his apartment in Tokyo, Japan with his sister Ara.

"So, this is your place in Japan. Quite nice", said Ara.

"Yes, thanks. You know what sis, you're really like my secretary nowadays, don't you realise that?" asked Orion.

"Yes, you're right. I think you shall pay my salary, you now", said Ara.

"Ha-ha, no way", said Orion. Then, both of them chuckled. Later, after puts their stuff, Orion cooks dinner for both of them.

"What are you cooking?" asked Ara.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a curry rice", said Orion.

"You eat curry for dinner?" asked Ara.

"Well, sis. Welcome to Asia", said Orion.

Later, after dinner;

Orion and Ara are watching movies via Netflix.

"Can I ask you something?" asked Ara.

"Sure. What is it?" asked Orion.

"Rumours said you was seen with a girl wrestler here in Japan. Who is she?" asked Ara.

"It's Steffanie Newell. Don't you remember her?" asked Orion.

"Hmm, I think I heard that name somewhere", said Ara.

"Well, she's the girl that always seen with me and Lyra during primary school", said Orion.

"Ah, that girl. Now, I remember. What is she doing here in Japan?" asked Ara.

"Nothing. Just walk around. She was injured during being part of WWE's Mae Young Classic tournament this year", said Orion.

"So, even she ended up being a wrestler just like you and Lyra. She's really like your triplet", said Ara. Orion chuckled.

"Yes but you didn't approved it that time, remember?" asked Orion. Ara chuckled.

"Well, she's quite soft that time compared to you and Lyra that were so harsh. Just don't want her to get hurt because it will be a problem to all 3 of you later", said Ara.

"Yes. But look at her now, following our way to be a pro wrestler", said Orion.

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it. So, interested on her?" asked Ara.

"Not really", said Orion.

"You're became more and more comfortable with being single, don't you realise that?" asked Ara.

"Well, I guess so", said Orion. Ara just sighed.

Next day;

Orion arrived at Ryõgoku Kokugikan Hall earlier than Ara as he needs to stand by there. As he enters the BCOG locker room, he saw almost all members are already there.

"Wow, all of you are so early", said Orion.

"Of course we are. Besides, not only me and Tevita will win the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champion again, we're going to have 3 new members today after all", said Tama.

"So, it's today huh. Never thought the day will come this fast", said Orion.

"I know. It will be a spotlight for us", said Lukas.

"That's true. Tonight is the night of Bullet Club", said Fale.

"Let's get ready then", said Orion.

Later on;

'War' hits as Orion making his entrance.

"And his opponent, from East London, England. Weighed in 220lbs, he is the IWGP Intercontinental Champion. The Glory Hunter, ORIOOOOONNN STEEL".

ORION: STAR OF PRO WRESTLING (BULLET CLUB FANFIC) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora