2. Crazy Fangirls

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I finish applying my mascara, leaning forward to examine my face in the mirror, shrugging as I let my hair down from its clip. Good enough to be seen in public, I guess. It's just a fanmeet, anyway.

I turn to my dresser, going though the stacks of clothing as I search for a pair of jeans, finally finding them bunched up in the back corner. I pull them out, shaking them to get the wrinkles out, and my eyes fall on a white T-shirt I caught as I pulled the jeans out.

I pick it up carefully, turning it, unsure what I should do with it. He probably wants his t-shirt back, Stussy is pretty expensive, but at the same time...my eyes fall on the stain, and I bite my lip, pulling my phone out of my pocket, typing slowly. How to remove cu|

"Y/n, you better be ready, we're leaving in five minutes," Hannah yells through my door, and I jump a mile, glaring at the door, switching off my phone.

"Yell at me one more time and I'm not coming!!"

"That's what she said."

I can't help laughing, opening the door after I've slipped on my jeans and loose crop top. "I'm ready, sorry."

She grins at me. "We're meeting BTS today."

I groan dramatically, leading the way out of our apartment. "I'm aware of that. It's all you've talked about for weeks."

"A week and a half," Hannah counters, and I grin.

"Only that long? It felt like much longer."

"I hate you," she grins, hailing a cab, giving the driver the address as we climb into the backseat.

"What exactly is a fanmeet?" I reach for my seatbelt, struggling as it catches. "Like, I get that you see the guys that you're obsessed with, but what do you even do, just sit around and watch them?"

Hannah sighs, reaching over to untangle my seatbelt. "It's so much more than that, Y/n. You get to talk to them, and say something short to each one of them, not to mention just existing in the same room as them."

I laugh. "Seriously? Existing in the same room?"

"Yes." Hannah rolls her eyes at me, opening her phone camera, fixing her hair. "Do I look okay?"

"You always look gorgeous, shut it."

Hannah laughs, closing her camera. "Do you just say this stuff to indirectly compliment yourself?"

"Yup, you've figured me out. Only took you twenty years."

The cab slows and Hannah's eyes widen, her face paling. "We're here already, oh my God."

"It's too late to chicken out after you dragged me all the way here." I tug her out of the car, and she takes a deep breath before bouncing ahead as usual, pulling me after her toward the huge building, the line wrapping all the way around and going down the street.

"My God, tell me that's not the line for this thing." I stare at the people in the like, taking in the fact that almost every single one of them is wearing or carrying something fluffy: yellow ears appear to be popular, as do plushes - little pink rabbits, white alpacas, blue koalas, weird horse mask purple creatures, yellow dog-looking things (like the headband ears?), hearts with eyes, and what look like some kind of frisbees with legs. "What the heck even are - "

Hannah ignores me. "We get to go to the front, because I won those tickets." She pulls me toward the front and I'm still staring at the people, because there's no way any boy band could be this popular.

"Hi, I'm the contest winner," Hannah's handing our tickets to the staff and they're holding open the door for her, a petite, serious-looking woman ripping the stubs off the tickets.

"These will be placed in a drawing for a behind the scenes, backstage tour afterward," she sounds stressed, her eyes on the massive crowd of fans. "Winners will be announced near the end of the event, hope you have a good time, goodbye."

Hannah pull me inside and I link my arm with hers, holding onto her tightly as she leads me through the crowd of people. "Why the hell is it so crowded?"

"They're amazing, that's why," we're practically shouting to hear each other and Hannah can't stop grinning, her whole face alight with happiness, and I sigh, resigning myself to hours of this torture.

It seems like forever before a staff member is on the stage, telling everyone to shut up, and my ears thank the Lord above as I can hear myself thing again, tuning into the staff member's speech.

"The boys will be out in just a moment, we ask for no flash photography please, and if the line becomes an issue people will be removed from their spots. Thank you for coming today, and we hope you have a great time!"

He disappears behind the scenes and the room is suddenly full of screaming girls again as men are filing out onto the stage, and I press my hands to my ears, annoyed as hell as I'm pushed against Hannah by some crazy fangirl trying to get closer to the tables.

"Two, three, hello, we are BTS."

The room erupts in screams again and I sigh, massaging my head, just wanting it to stop, silently cursing Hannah.

"Thank you all for coming out today!"

I squint to make out the speaker, a tall guy with a wide grin and huge dimples, and he waves to the crowd with both hands, his face bright.

"What did he say?" Hannah turns to me and I repeat the phrase in English to her before she's grinning brightly again, squealing with the crowd as another boy raises the microphone to his lips.

"Everyoooone, you ready to have fun???"

The crowd is insane and I frown, wondering if I can edge my way to the outskirts, where there are less people, when the crowd quiets completely, silent as the next guy gets ready to speak. I glance up briefly, wondering who could have made them shut up that quickly, when my eyes fall on his face as he grins broadly, pushing back the hair falling in his eyes.

"Holy shit," I hiss under my breath, staring at the guy as he laughs slightly at the room waiting with bated breath for him to speak. It's not the same guy. It can't be.

"Everyone...Seokjin told the worst dad joke before we walked out here, and I can't get it out of my head," he closes his eyes, tilting his head back as he groans dramatically and I choke, remembering how almost the exact same sound made chills run down my spine as he'd pushed me up against the wall of my apartment, his lips all over my neck, hands all over my hips.

Jesus fuck.

It is him.

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