4. Talented in 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 Areas

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"I can't believe this. This is insane."

I nod, glancing around the small area that we're waiting in. "You sure we can't just go home?"

Hannah glares. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"I know, I know." I sigh, my eyes on the staff member who just slipped into the room.

"This way, please. The members will be showing you around."

Hannah's gripping my arm so hard it hurts as the staff member leads us out of the room, down a hallway, and I elbow her.

"Don't injure me, I can't translate when I'm hurt."

Hannah laughs lightly, letting go of me. "Sorry. I'm just - it's one on one this time, Y/n, it's so nerve wracking."

"More like seven on two."


The staff member slows as we hear voices in the distance, laughter. "Common rules of courtesy apply, any inappropriate behavior will result in immediate action. Have a great time, we hope you enjoy the experience today."

I tilt my head as he disappears. "What is this, a theme park ride?"

"I hate you."

One of the boys from earlier - Namjoon? - appears, a surprised look on his face. "The tickets chosen at random were identical twins?"

"What are the odds," Jungkook appears behind him, shooting me a smirk, and I exhale slowly, trying not to scream in frustration as he winks at me.

"Hey. Hannah, right?" Taehyung appears, shooting us that rectangular grin, and Hannah turns bright red, nodding as she hears her name.

"How did you remember that?"

I translate and he grins even more brightly. "I remember almost every fan! It's one of my talents."

Jungkook rolls his eyes at him. "You only remember the pretty ones, you know that."

"What did he say?" Hannah turns to me, a desperate look on her face.

"Taehyung remembers every fan. Jungkook agrees."

Jungkook shoots me a grin. "Lying to your sister again?"

"If you understand what I'm saying, just speak in English," I shoot back, and Namjoon's eyebrows raise.

"Do you two know each other? On a personal level?"

My face heats as Jungkook raises his eyebrows at me. "Do we?"


He chuckles lightly, turning to Namjoon. "You heard the lady, I guess."

Namjoon sighs. "Jungkook, leave her alone."

"I get to do her tour, though."

"What?" I stare at him and he grins, shooting me a wink.

"Taehyung called the other one, so I'm stuck with you."

"Jeon Jungkook," Namjoon shoots him a look as Taehyung grins behind him.

"It's true, I did want to show Hannah around."

"See, it's perfect." Jungkook walks over to stand by me and I try to hide the look I'm shooting him from Hannah, pasting a fake smile on my face.

"Hann, Taehyung's going to show you around."

Namjoon clears his throat, now speaking in English. "I'll come along, to translate if you need me."

"Oh - what about Y/n?"

"Jungkook and Jimin will be showing her around," Namjoon nods at me and I let out a breath of relief that it won't be just me and Jungkook. "Shall we go, Hannah, Taehyung?"

Hannah shoots me a concerned look and I gesture for her to go, ignoring that Jungkook's shifted closer. "Have fun."

Taehyung bounces down the hall, Namjoon and Hannah following more slowly, and I let out a breath, steeling myself to deal with him.

I turn back toward him, flinching as I realize I'm literally centimeters from smacking into his chest. "Could you back off?"

"Mm, I'm comfy here." Jungkook gives me a lazy grin, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "So, you came to the fanmeet just to see me again?"

"What the hell? I had no idea you were part of a boy group," I glare at him. "Thanks for filling me in with that bit of information before deciding to sleep with me."

"Pretty sure it was a mutual decision," Jungkook muses. "Or, if I remember correctly, you were pretty much begging for it to happen."

"Shut up." My cheeks flame and he grins, turning, setting off down the hall.

"Come on, I have to show you around."

"Isn't the other guy coming? Jinim?"

"Jimin decided he'd rather let me have the honors," Jungkook smirks at me and I stare at him.

"What, so you force me to do this and you tell Jamin to leave us alone?"

"It's Jimin, and he didn't mind that I wanted to be alone with you." Jungkook smirks, tilting his head toward a door. "That's a dressing room."

I stop walking, crossing my arms over my chest. "First of all, your tour skills suck."

He grins, turning to face me. "Well, good thing I'm talented in other areas."

I ignore him. "And what do you even want from me? You've had your fun. You've tormented me over it. Just leave me the fuck alone."

"Whoa, hostile." Jungkook grins lazily and I curse the way he seems completely unruffled by my anger.

"I don't want anything from you. I have had my fun, and I'd daresay you had fun as well, unless you're generally that loud when you're bored. And tormenting? I just want my shirt back."

"Your shirt is disgusting. I'm throwing it away as soon as I get home."

Jungkook's eyes widen. "You can't do that, that's my shirt."

"Your shirt is currently covered in certain bodily fluids that make it unwearable."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Yours! As far as I can remember, I haven't and won't ever spurt my fluids everywhere!"

Jungkook's eyes are bright as he smirks, running his tongue over his bottom lip. "We'll see about that."

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

Jungkook grins. "What do you think it means?"

"You know what, I'm not putting up with your shit. Yes, we hooked up once, why the hell can't you just be an adult about it and leave me the fuck alone?"

It's silent in the hallway as we just stare at each other, and I realize that I was yelling, not caring, setting my jaw as I glare at him. Jungkook raises an eyebrow at me, opening his still-smirking lips, then his eyes move to glance over my shoulder, his smirk widening.

"What now," I huff, turning, freezing as I meet four pairs of eyes, the boys that aren't Jungkook or Namjoon or Taehyung, and my face flames up as I raise a hand to cover my mouth.

Jungkook grins, enjoying my embarrassment as he looks over at the boys. "Hey, Hyungs."

Well dammit.

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