29. Don't Want Them To Hear *

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"Jungkook, keep your door open," Jin's voice echoes down the hall from the kitchen and Jungkook rolls his eyes, an amused smile on his face.

"I'm twenty-two, for God's sake!"

"I don't care how old you are, you're under my roof."

"I'm closing my door," Jungkook yells back, and there's an annoyed huff and a crashing sound from the kitchen as Jungkook pulls his door shut, almost slamming it for emphasis, locking it as he turns to grin at me. "It's so fun pissing Jin-hyung off."

"You're evil."

He shrugs, sitting down in his desk chair, leaning back. "I wouldn't say evil, per se, let's go with..." He pretends to think, then flashes me a grin. "Naughty?"

I glare as I reach for a book sitting on his side table from my perch on his bed, throwing at him, and he catches it, grinning cheekily at me. "You going to punish me?"

"Jeon Jungkook, you - "

"Hurt me? Choke me? Tie me up?"

"Agh," I let out a groan of frustration, standing to smack his shoulder, and his arm snakes out impossibly fast to wrap around my waist, pulling me into his lap, holding me tightly as I struggle, laughing. "Let go of me, you asshole."

"Nope." I can hear his smug grin as he brushes his nose against my neck. "You smell really good."

"That's the scent of you about to get hurt."

"Mm, punish me," he grins against my neck, his teeth nipping at the skin gently, and I elbow his side non too gently, grinning at the resulting huff of air. "Oof. You're so mean to me." He tightens his grip around my waist as he whines, his lips finding my neck again, and I roll my eyes, smiling a bit as I shake my head, relaxing against him.

"You're an asshole, so it evens out."

"I think you've called me an asshole five times in the last fifteen minutes," Jungkook presses a kiss to the skin just below my ear, his breath warm on my skin. "I'd be happy to hear your explanation for that."

"Have you considered that maybe you're just an asshole?"

"You're the worst." I can hear the smile on his voice, though, and he leans forward to press his lips against my neck, nipping at my earlobe. "On a side note..." He tightens his arms around my waist, his longue darting out to taste my skin as he bites the tip of my ear gently. "I really, really want you right now," he breathes, his lips finding my neck again, sucking at the skin as he kisses down to my collarbone, moving my hair off my shoulder and pulling my shirt down slightly to press his mouth to my skin.

"Your hyungs are here," I swallow, trying to ignore the way he's pressing his lips to my skin, his tongue running over my collarbone, and his teeth graze the skin at the base of my collarbone, making me gasp involuntarily as a shiver runs through me. "S - Jungkook, we can't - " my eyes close as he carefully runs his teeth over the spot again, his hand trailing down my waist toward my legs, his tongue tasting my skin as he plays with the hem of my skirt.

"Hm," he barely moves his lips, the rumble in his chest making my breathing unsteady, and he chuckles slightly, his teeth grazing my skin as he grins. "What were you saying?"

"Damn you," I breathe, reaching back to tangle my fingers in his curls as he continues sucking at my neck gently, the tingly feeling making my whole body go numb as his hand slips under my skirt, slowly trailing up my thigh, running his fingernails over the soft skin of my inner thigh as he teases me, not moving his hand any further than it already is, his mouth still pressed against my shoulder.

"I - can't even have a simple conversation with you," I manage, and he stops moving completely, pulling away ever so slightly so he can speak, and I whimper slightly at the loss of his lips against my skin.

"Talk, then." He's grinning, knowing he's driving me insane. "I don't want to distract you, so go ahead."

Two can play this game. "Hannah really wants to meet you," I struggle keeping my voice under control, the feeling of his hand on my thigh burning my skin. "We need to figure something out."

"We do," he agrees, and his hand moves the tiniest bit higher on my thigh, and my breathing hitches. "Tell me, what do you think we should do about that sister of yours?"

My breath is shaky as I close my eyes, trying to regain my posture, failing. "Damn it, just touch me," I manage to breathe, and he grins, his lips touching my shoulder again.

"I don't know, should I?" He hums in contemplation, the vibrations from his mouth against my skin running down my spine. "I don't know if I should."

"Please - Jungkook, I - " I can't even speak, my eyes fluttering closed again, breathing unsteady. "Stop playing, please."

"Well, since you said please..."

I tense in anticipation as he rests his chin on my shoulder, his hand beginning to trace slow circles on my inner thigh. "Tell me what you want."

"I want - " I stop, unable to keep myself from a soft breath as his hand begins to creep higher against my skin, closer and closer to where I want it to be. "Just fucking touch me."

"Ah-ah, you're going to get in trouble someday for that attitude of yours," Jungkook's voice is amused, enjoying the way I'm falling apart under his touch, his hand stilling, tracing circles in the same place, my skin burning. "Maybe we shouldn't do this," he says it softly, his smile evident in his voice. "Maybe you should learn to be nice first."

I force my eyes open, letting out a breath. "Fuck you."

"I think I'm the one who's going to be doing the fucking tonight." His hand moves suddenly, the light touches gone as his fingers slip beneath my underwear, his other hand coming to slip under my shirt, grazing the skin of my breast with his thumb. "You're so ready," he's amused, his fingers slipping between my legs, rolling the skin between his fingers before he slides them further back, carefully tracing my entrance, relishing the way I arch my back against him, and I can feel his growing bulge underneath me.

"Fuck - Jungkook - " I'm already a mess, and he hasn't even done anything, barely touching me, his fingers slow and methodic as they trace their way around again. "Fucking stop if you're not going to -"

"Sh, you don't want the boys to hear you," he whispers, and I let out a shaky breath, leaning back against him, my eyes closing.

"Jung - please - I - " I shudder at the feeling of his fingers, and he's pressing kisses to my neck again, sucking at the skin, and it's too much, my body shaking as he continues to play with me, smirking against my skin as he covers my mouth with his free hand, muffling the soft whimpers I'm unable to help.

"God," I breathe the word after a minute, forcing my eyes open, and Jungkook slips his hand from my skirt, pressing a kiss to my cheek as he chuckles slightly.

"For a girl who says she won't do stuff with other people around, you were sure enjoying yourself."

"Fuck you," I can't put the force behind the words, still evening out my breathing as I smile a bit.

"The offer is open," he replies, shooting me a grin as he presses his cheek against mine. "All you have to do is turn around."

"You tired me out already," I tease, and he grins, standing abruptly to press me down onto the bed, a knee by my waist as he laughs softly.

"You have no stamina." He shakes his head disapprovingly, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. "How are you supposed to keep up with me?"

"Oh, you think I can't keep up with you?" I raise an eyebrow teasingly, and he winks at me, a playful grin on his lips. "I can go all day, JK, don't test me."

"Prove it." He smirks and I let out a breath, flipping us so I'm pinning him to the bed, my knees on either side of his waist.

I grin at the way Jungkook's breathing has quickened, the way he grins lazily up at me as if he's not bothered, keeping my voice low, steady as I roll my hips, grinding slightly against his already hard area, feeling the way he tenses beneath me.

"Believe me, I intend to."

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