9. The Booty Call

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Do I hang up?

I stare at the phone, almost afraid to raise it to my ear, then hesitate, hitting the speaker button.

" - anyone? I swear, if this is you, Taehyung, I'm going to beat your ass. Or - Jimin, if this is a another fangirl impression I will hide your plushies for a week."

I can't help a snort and he cuts off abruptly in the middle of threatening Jin's RJ, whatever the hell that is.


I clap my hand over my mouth, silent, and he chuckles slightly - I can practically see the smirk on his lips.

"I wasn't expecting you to call so soon, I thought you'd at least wait half a day," he chuckles lightly and I glare at the phone.

"And why would you think I'd call at all?"

"Hah." I can hear his grin. "Because, Y/n, who can resist me?"

"Fuck you."

"You already did. Twice now."

"My God, can you not go one minute without being disgusting and crude?"

"Can you not go one day without calling me?"

"I'm hanging up," I reach for the button, annoyed. Why the hell was I even considering texting him?

"Wait, I'm sorry."

I pause at his voice, my eyes widening. "You're sorry?"

He chuckles. "Wow, it worked, I didn't think it would."

"My God, I hate you."

He laughs again. "Why did you call?"

"It was an accident. I butt-dialed you."

"You managed to type in my phone number with your ass?"

I glare at the phone silently, because he knows he's right and I hate it.

"Actually, I feel like if you really wanted to, you'd make it happen," he muses, and I tilt my head, confused.

"As in, I could dial your number with my ass?"

"You're pretty damn flexible."

A surprised laugh escapes my lips and he lets out a light breath over the line, chuckling slightly.

"You laughed."

"No, I choked."

He chuckles again. "Now that I think about it, are you sure it wasn't your sister who laughed just now? Because I'm pretty sure you don't even know how to laugh."

"Good thing I make up for it in other areas," I quote him and he laughs, surprised.

"You realize you're flirting with me."

"Sarcasm is flirting now?"

"No, that is flirting."



"You know, it would be easier to understand you if you stopped repeating words. Your poor brain can't handle talking to me, I guess."

He laughs. "Did you call just to harass me?"

"No." I sit down on my bed, setting the phone on the duvet next to me as I stretch out. "I was going to text you but accidentally butt-called you."

"I'll take a booty call any day."

"I hate you."

"Trust me. By now, we've established that."

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