30. Italian Food

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The doorknob rattles and my eyes open, blinking into the late afternoon light, the warmth of Jungkook's arm around me as I lean against his bare chest making me smile. I didn't even realize we fell asleep.

"Jeon Jungkook, didn't I say to keep your door open?" Jin sounds incredibly frustrated, jiggling the doorknob more loudly. "You had to lock it just to annoy me, didn't you?"

Jungkook shifts slightly to look at me, and when my eyes meet his he grins slightly before calling back to Jin. "Yup, that's the only reason I locked it."

"Smartass." Jin lets out a huff. "If Y/n is staying for dinner, get your ass out here before it's gone. Namjoon picked up Italian food."

"Ooh, Italian." Jungkook flashes me a grin, his hand finding mine to squeeze it gently. "You hungry?"

"Are you kidding?"

He chuckles. "I figured after all that earlier you'd be pretty hungry, but if you're not we can just chill in here."

"You crazy? Italian food." I flash him a grin, sitting up. "Pass me my bra."

"I think you should go without it," Jungkook grins at me, stretching. "It's hot."

"You want all your hyungs seeing my chest?"

"Damn it, good point," he tosses me the bra, flashing me a grin. "What do I have to do so you wear no underwear?"

"Stop being a pervert?" I flash him a grin, reaching for the undergarment from the floor, slipping it on before I walk over to his dresser, opening the drawers to find a big comfy t-shirt. "Wait, that's never happening, so I guess I'm wearing panties."

Jungkook chuckles, finally getting up and making his way toward me retrieving clothing items as he goes, and he's only missing his shirt by the time his hand is on my waist, brushing a light kiss to my forehead. "Find your skirt so the boys won't be checking out your legs."

"I'm pretty sure they won't care about my legs, this shirt covers everything," I lift my arms to show him how the hem practically reached my knee, and he frowns playfully.

"Hey, no one is allowed to see your legs but me." He chuckles, leaning down to brush a soft kiss to my lips, and I grin at him, shaking my head as he continues, hand rubbing my hip lightly. "I think you have a pair of shorts in the second drawer down. You left them last time."

"Thanks." I kiss him, smiling as he leans into me, pulling me closer, and I break the kiss, grinning. "Stop it, I want food. Let me get my shorts in peace."

"Fine," he pouts playfully, grabbing a shirt from the drawer, and when we're both fully clothed he grabs a handful of the fabric of the shirt I'm wearing, frowning playfully. "Kiss me before we go to eat?"


Jungkook rolls his eyes and I laugh at him, pulling him down to my level as I press my mouth against his, kissing him deeply as he lets out a breath, fingers knitting in my hair as his tongue finds its way into my mouth, fingers beginning to slip under the hem of my shirt once more before I realize what he's doing and pull away, grinning, to slap his hands from my sides. "Nice try."

"Do we have to go out there?"

"I'm hungry."

"Fine, fine, don't whine." Jungkook grins at me, opening the door and pretending to hold it for me. "Milady."

"You suck." I walk through the door before him, grabbing his arm as I do, linking my elbow with his as I pull him down the hall, laughing at the way he pretends to drag his feet.

The boys are all seated around the table, talking and laughing, and to their credit no one seems surprised to see me this time, two chairs empty for Jungkook and me.

"Thanks for food, Namjoon," Jungkook tugs me over to the chairs, picking up the plate in front of my seat. "You want garlic bread?"

I give him a smile, nodding, and he spoons pasta onto my plate, adding a piece of garlic bread and setting the plate back in front of me. "Here."

"Thanks," I smile at him and Jungkook hesitates for a moment, then leans over to brush a kiss to my lips, and I flush as he pulls away.

"No problem."

My cheeks are hot for some reason as I look at my plate, picking up the fork next to it, and when I realize it's silent I glance up at the boys, unsure what's going on as Jungkook stills beside me too, giving them a weird look.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"Jungkook, you just made her a plate." Taehyung is open-mouthed, and I tilt my head at him, unsure why that would stun them into silence when Hoseok laughs slightly, reaching over to ruffle Taehyung's hair.

"I think most of us were shocked by the amount of sweetness Jungkook just showed."

Taehyung shrugs, grinning, and Jin leans back in his chair, tilting his head at Jungkook. "This is serious, then?"

Jungkook blinks at him, then Namjoon. "You want to have this conversation right now?"

Jin nods and I turn to Jungkook, unsure what to say, and he raises an eyebrow at Jin. "I thought it was pretty obvious I'm serious about Y/n."

My face heats and Jungkook reaches under the table to catch my fingers in his, giving them a squeeze, and Jin nods, giving me a smile.

"I'm glad."

The boys dissolve into chaos again now that whatever that discussion was is over, and I blink at Jungkook, lowering my voice so only he can hear me. "What was that?"

Jungkook leans in closer to speak softly in my ear, his hand still in mine. "Nothing. They always overreact, it's not that weird that I made you a plate."

I grin a bit, turning so he can hear me. "I'm pretty sure they were more weirded out by you kissing me."

"Let's test that theory." Jungkook gives me a mischievous grin, closing the gap between us to brush his lips softly against mine, a long, sweet kiss, and I can't help smiling, reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes as he pulls away.

"You think you're funny," I say affectionately, and he grins at me, tilting his head at the rest of the table as they fall silent, staring again.

"Hey, you were right."

I can't help laughing even as I hit him.


Low-key a filler chapter, sorry.

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