5. Fuck You

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"Please tell me I heard her wrong." A taller guy with broad shoulders is blinking rapidly, and I can't remember his name - Seojun? Seojin?

"Wait - Jungkook, what did she just say?" The guy I remember as Jimin is grinning slightly, giving Jungkook a look that says good job all over it. I decide I don't like him, shooting him a glare.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to," Jungkook leans against the wall casually, giving them an innocent look, and my face is burning.

"I can - please don't say anything to anyone," I plead, and - oh his name is Seokjin - Seokjin gives a soft laugh, shaking his head.

"Hon, that would imply we know anything." He crosses his arms, giving Jungkook a look. "Jeon Jungkook, you need to explain before you get gaming time taken away for a week."

I can't help a snicker at the way Jungkook's whole demeanor changes at the threat, and he shoots me a brief glare before turning back to Seokjin. "Hyung, it wasn't anything, really."

"Liar," the boy who's always smiling chimes in, laughing a little at Jungkook. "You're so bad at lying, Kook!"

"It was a one night thing," Jungkook huffs, crossing his arms, and Seokjin almost choked on the sip of water he just took from his water bottle.

"Jeon Jungkook, you had a one night stand with this girl?"

I frown, trying not to be offended at being referred to like that, and Jungkook shoots me an amused glance.

"Yup. She can't get enough of me, apparently, that's why she's here."

"I hate you," I hiss, and he unfortunately dodges the elbow jab I send his way that would have hit the soft spot in his side perfectly.

"Wait, she's why you told the staff to pick certain tickets?" Jimin glances at me, tilting his head. "You could have gone with any girl in that room, but her?"

"What are you trying to say?" I glare at Jimin, my mild dislike for him intensifying, and Jungkook raises an eyebrow, stepping between us.

"Careful, Jimin, she gets feisty sometimes."

"Fuck you," I say under my breath just loud enough for Jungkook to hear, and he sighs.

"Seriously, Jin, it was just a thing. Both of us were drunk."

"You got drunk to the point that you thought a one night stand with a fan was a good idea?"

Jungkook grimaces. "In my defense - "

"I'm not a fan," I tilt my chin up, shooting Jungkook a nasty look. "I couldn't care less about you guys."

"Ouch," Jimin grins and Jungkook chuckles.

"Well, there we have it. She just came to the fanmeet because she happened to be passing by."

"My sister dragged me here," I growl, done with his attitude, and he winks at me.

"Of course."

I stare at him, then finally just shake my head, brushing past him, and the boys move as I walk toward them. "I'm so done with you, Jeon Jungkook."

He chuckles lightly behind me, the sound infuriating. "We'll see about that, hm?"

"Fuck you." I throw him the finger over my shoulder, making my way out of the building, sitting on the stairs outside as I let out a breath, my eyes closing.

I can't stand him. Why that hell did I even think hooking up with him was a good idea in the first place?

Oh, that's right. I was drunk. I had to have been extremely drunk, to even think that stupid smug smirk and stuck-up attitude was attractive enough to have sex with.


My head snaps up and I blink up at Seokjin, tilting my head. "If you're here to make excuses for Jungkook, go away right now."

He grins, lowering himself to sit next to me, looking over the street. "There's no excuse for him, sometimes."

"You mean, all the time."

Seokjin laughs, and I have no idea why he's being so nice to me, when he's met hundreds of girls, and he just met me today and already heard me having a yelling match with the youngest member of his group.

"Jungkook...he can be difficult to deal with. He just doesn't know how to - " he pauses, looking for the word. "Emotion."

I grin a bit. "More like he can't have a civil conversation."

"He just messes with the people he likes mercilessly," Seokjin says absentmindedly, his eyes on the distant buildings of downtown. "He's a nice guy, deep down."

"It's got to be pretty fucking deep."

Seokjin laughs, shaking his head. "Luckily you don't have to see him after this, right? No more fan meets, since your sister dragged you here."

"True." I give him a small smile, thankful for how nice he is, how real he is. "It was nice meeting you, Seokjin. If I liked your group, you'd be my favorite."

He laughs, standing. "Well, I don't know your sister that well, but unless she's exactly like you I'd say you're my favorite twin."

"We're polar opposites in everything but looks. Seriously, she's obsessed with you guys."

Seokjin nods. "I can tell. She's really pretty, too, I'm pretty sure if they spent more time together Taehyung would be infatuated."

"Good thing they won't spend any more time together."

Seokjin glances past me, toward the building again. "Your sister's on her way over here. Be safe getting home, and it was nice meeting you."

I stand, nodding. "Sorry you heard all that with Jungkook earlier."

"Isn't the first and won't be the last time I've heard a girl yelling at him," Seokjin grins at me, shrugging. "You have a really strong personality, Y/n. Don't let anyone change that."

"I don't plan on it."

He laughs, nodding, giving Hannah a wave as he disappears. She reaches me, her face bright, eyes sparkling. "Wasn't this just amazing?"

"Yeah." I reach out my arm, hailing a cab, following her into the backseat.

"They were even cuter in real life. Did you see the way Taehyung grins? I'm in love," she grins, her face bright.

I nod absentmindedly, staring out the window, Jin's conversation with me earlier echoing in my mind.

"What did Jungkook keep saying to you? You seemed like he kind of got on your nerves."

"Jungkook?" I hesitate, then stretch, yawning. "Which one was he again?"

Hannah laughs, shaking her head. "I hate you."

"He didn't get on my nerves or anything, I'm just tired," I lie, leaning my head on the window.

"Thanks for coming with me today. I wouldn't have understood a word if you weren't there." Hannah leans on my shoulder, smiling at me happily, and guilt for lying earlier gnaws at my stomach even though I force a smile.


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