26. Sappy Gross Sweetness

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Human (?) I'm Currently Dating
Are you busy

It depends

What do you want

Human (?) I'm Currently Dating
You're so mean


What is it? I'm in class

Human (?) I'm Currently Dating
What time does it end?


Human (?) I'm Currently Dating
I'll wait in front of the univ campus

I can't help smiling a little at the text, shaking my head slightly as I switch off my phone, turning back to the lecture, unable to focus for some reason, and it's a relief when class is over and I walk down the stairs out the door quickly, hurrying to the front of the campus.

He's leaning against the large sign advertising the university, scrolling through his phone as his messy hair and mask cover his face to the curious glances of a few students whose eyes linger on him. I smile a little, picking up my pace, and he glances up as I grow closer, slipping his phone into his pocket, and I can see his eyes crinkle as he smiles.

"Hey." I smile as I stop in front of him, reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes. "Why are you here?"

"I can't just see my girlfriend anymore?"

I grin. "Since when do you just want to see me?"

Jungkook chuckles, catching my hand in his as I pull my hand from his face, lacing our fingers together. "Since now."

I raise an eyebrow at him playfully. "Seriously, what happened?"

"Nothing." He glances behind me, then pulls the mask covering his face down, tucking it under his chin as he leans down to brush a kiss against my lips. I pull away slightly, frowning up at him.

"Someone is going to see you, put that back on."

"And if I don't?" He kisses me again, more deeply this time, and I can't help smiling a little against his lips, simultaneously loving and hating this effect he has on me.

"It's your career, let it die," I say as we pull away for breath, and he laughs, pulling the mask over his nose again.

"You don't have any plans, do you?"

"I don't think so. It depends on what you want me to do, I might remember something I have to do if you just want me to do something stupid."

Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. "You really suck, you know that?"

"Actually, I've never sucked dick before, so how can I really suck?"

Jungkook laughs out loud, shaking his head. "You know, we can fix that. Teach you how to suck properly?" He raises his eyebrows and I wrinkle my nose, shaking my head.

"You're a disgusting human being. If you even are one."

"You started it! What, you can do it, but the minute I do I get yelled at?" Jungkook protests playfully, grinning, and I nod.

One NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon