23. Errands for Jin

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She glances up from where she's smiling at her phone, blinking up at me as I hesitate in the doorway, unsure. "What's up?"

"You want to give me advice?"

"On?" She shifts toward the end of the couch, tilting her head toward the empty space next to her, and I sit down, pulling my feet up into the couch.

"You remember when I told you about that guy?"

"Which one?" She throws me an amused glance and I grin slightly, rolling my eyes at her.

"The recent one. Jung - " I catch myself, coughing slightly to hide my slip up. "I told you about him a bit, the one who just keeps ending up here?"

"Hah. Yeah, you told me about him."

"Okay." I let out a breath, unsure if this is weird. "So...he came over the other night, when you were at the game, and we kind of talked more than normal, and - he said he likes me, and I kind of like him?"

"Define kind of," Hannah gives me a tiny grin, bright and sunny.

"Like...maybe really." I realize that doesn't make sense and bite my lip. unsure. "I really like him," I finally admit. "I'm just worried he's playing with me."

Hannah tilts her head, thoughtful. "Playing with you?"

"Yeah. I mean, until now it's always been light and kind of playful flirting, because that's just who he is." I pause, not sure where I was going with this. "But now it's different and I don't really know if he's serious or not."

"I feel like you know he's serious," Hannah muses, her fingers playing with her phone case absentmindedly. "But you're afraid of him being serious about it."

I nod, a breath leaving my lips because she's right, and Hannah turns to face me, leaning her arm in the back of the couch. "Why are you afraid of a relationship with this guy?"

"Because - " I pause, realizing I'm going to have to be really vague about this. "He's a really busy person. And I feel like maybe his...family and friends won't approve of us together."

"Is that really important, though?" Hannah shrugs, pulling her legs up onto the sofa to sit with her legs crossed. "To me it's like, as long as you're happy, whatever the other people think is irrelevant."

I nod slowly, seeing what she's saying. "You kind of have a point."

She grins, reaching over to squish my cheeks "Look at me, being the big sister giving advice."

"You're older by three minutes," I groan, laughing, swatting her hand away, and she laughs.

"Three minutes is a lot!"

"It is not."

My phone buzzes beside me on the couch and I reach for it, still shaking my head as I chuckle at Hannah.

Confusing Human
Are you at your apartment?

I tilt my head at the message, typing slowly.


Confusing Human
I'm in the parking lot

Hannah's home, you idiot

Why the heck are you here?

Confusing Human
Damn it

I'm supposed to do errands for Jin so I'm kidnapping you

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