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Oh my God oh my God oh my God.

Just kill me already.

Hannah bounces excitedly, clinging to my arm as we move forward another step in the line, another step closer to certain death by embarrassment.

"I have to pee, I'll be back."

"No!" Hannah grabs my arm. "They won't let you have your spot in line back."

Perfect. "I really have to go, Hann," I whine, pouting, and she shakes her head.

"The whole reason I brought you is to translate this, you can't leave now," Hannah gives me giant puppy eyes, pleading, and I sigh. Damn it, I need to harden up.

"Fine." I peek around the girls in front of us at the line, and we're only about five people away. "I feel sick, Hannah, can't I just - "

"Y/n, please." Hannah tilts her head at me and I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I just - are you sure you need me to translate?"

"I literally only caught the word hello earlier," Hannah frowns at me, confused. "Are you okay? What's going on?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

One person. Oh God, he's directly in the middle of the line of boys, and there's no way to escape this. Maybe he won't remember me.

Hannah grips my arm, excitement written all over her face. "We're next!"

I nod, feeling sick, and she steps forward in front of the first guy. He grins, and it's the dimples guy from earlier.

"Hey, what's your name?"

I translate and she smiles at him, flushing. "I'm Hannah, this is my twin Y/n."

"Ah, English?" He switches to speaking English and I stare at him, then Hannah. If he speaks English, what am I doing here?!

"Namjoon, I love your mixtape," Hannah blurts, red in the face as he smiles again, holding out his hand to lace his fingers with hers.

"Thanks, Hannah. It's great to meet you and your twin."

The staff gesture us forward and I follow Hannah to the next guy, frowning as he reaches for her hand too. What is this, just an opportunity to hold hands with him?

"Taehyung, you're the best, and I think your voice is perfect," Hannah blurts, and I translate, his whole face lighting up in a smile.

"Thanks! You're the best!"

Again. He can speak English. Why. Am. I. Here.

"I love you, Taehyung!"

We're gestured to the next person who Hannah hisses under her breath to me is Hoseok, another brief discussion about how much Hannah loves him in English, then we're hurried to the next person. I lurk behind Hannah, pulling my hair over my face, and he's writing something, finally looking up, shaking his hair out of his eyes, his face filling with incredulity at the sight of Hannah. "Y/n?"

Hannah blinks at him, shocked. "No, I'm Hannah, that's Y/n - wait, you know each other?" She pulls me out from behind her and I'm bright red, avoiding his gaze.

"No, uhm, my name sounds a lot like the Korean word for...welcome," I lie, my face burning, and the guy looks between us, processing that I'm speaking in English.

"She doesn't speak Korean?"

I shake my head, still avoiding looking directly at him, and Hannah grins at him. "Jungkook, you're amazing."

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