13. Unfair *

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"What did you think of Jaehyun, the other day?"

I shrug, finishing the long braid in Hannah's hair, tying the end off with a scrunchie. "He seems pretty cool."

Hannah nods, leaning toward the bathroom mirror to inspect her hair. "He had a thing for me a while back, I was hoping you two would hit it off."

"Yeah, he's not really my type." I shrug. "What time is your date again?"

"Seven. He should be here soon."

"All right." I perch on the edge of the bathroom counter, watching her as she applied mascara carefully. "You think you're going to keep dating this guy?"

She shrugs. "He's fun. I don't know if it'll work out, there's a lot of stuff that could make this hard, but I like spending time with him." She applies lip gloss, popping her lips together. "How do I look?"

"Great." I grin at her. "I'll be shocked if you come home tonight."

"No, he has roommates, so I wouldn't be able to spend the night at his place." Hannah shrugs, giving me a grin. "It's whatever, I'll see you at about ten."

"I'm tired, I'll probably be asleep. See you tomorrow."

She nods, disappearing, and I sigh, leaning against the bathroom mirror. It's harder than I thought, lying.

My phone buzzes and I glance at it, the new text.

Perverted Idol
I'm on my way.

I hop off the counter, turning to the mirror, quickly brushing on mascara. Jungkook hasn't talked to me a lot this week, just a few words here and there making sure we were still on for today, and it's actually kind of weird that I'm almost looking forward to seeing him.

I pull my hair into a messy bun, pulling out a few curls to frame my face, then head to the door as a tap echoes through the empty apartment.

"Hey." Jungkook slips inside before I even open the door fully, and I close it behind him, turning. His dark hair is lacking it's normal product, fluffy instead of its usual sleeky shine as it falls into his eyes, and he blinks at me through it, his hands in his pockets, shirt so oversized that even his broad shoulders seem slim.

"Hey." I watch his eyes skim over me, lingering on the hem of my shirt where it meets the bare skin of my leg. "Stop checking me out."

A slow grin pulls at his lips. "You started it," he drawls, fingers pushing his hair out of his face. "Why don't you finish it, rather than complaining about me?"

"You know, half the time I have no idea what you're saying." I brush past him, further into the apartment. "You want beer?"

"No." He follows me, and I'm acutely aware of his closeness.

"Food? Anything?"

Jungkook shrugs, brushing his hair out of his eyes, and I raise my eyebrows. "Just here for sex, then?"

He shrugs. "Seems so."

"You make no sense." I raise an eyebrow at him, frowning when I get no reaction. "Are you going to kiss me or not?"

Hie hands wrap around my waist, pulling me against him as he leans down, finding my lips with his, and my whole body relaxes, his touch making my brain stop working, overthinking, his lips moving slowly as he gently threads his tongue into the kiss, fingers gripping the back or my head as he pulls me closer.

It's not long before we're stumbling backward onto the sofa, and his weight presses me into the cushions, his hands tugging my shirt over my head as his hips pin mine. I let out a soft breath, pulling him tighter against me, a shocked moan escaping as he grinds against me, a smirk pulling at his lips as his lips move over my neck, down toward my bra, catching the lace in his teeth before he pulls away, exhaling against my skin.

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