33. The Front Seat

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I'm outside, are you actually ready on time for once?

I roll my eyes at the text, grinning slightly as I tighten the back of my earring, glancing in the mirror as I hit the call button. Jungkook picks up immediately for once, his voice playful.

"Damn, Y/n, don't tell me you're calling to back out on me."

"When have I ever backed out on you?" I protest and he chuckles.

"You haven't. But women in general tend to - "

"Make one sexist comment and I'm going to throttle you instead of going out with you," I interrupt him and he laughs.


"I hate you." I pick up my purse, turning to fiddle with the clip in my hair, eyes on my reflection. "Also, you can come to the door to get me now that Hannah knows about us, so why are you still texting?"

"Yeah, well, it's more fun to give you hell when I have to wait for you."

"You literally don't have to wait for me, if you walked up to the door like a normal person - "

"You could just be ready early and we wouldn't argue about this," Jungkook chuckles and I roll my eyes, slipping my feet into my heels.

"I'll see you in a minute, asshole."

"Love you too, baby." He's still laughing as I hang up, and I shake my head, smiling, partially exasperated and partially amused.

Hannah glances up from her phone as I make my way to the front hall, and she whistles playfully. "Hot date with Jungkook?"

I laugh at her, nodding. "Don't whistle at me."

"I can't help it, when you're wearing one of my short dresses and no underwear." She raises her eyebrows, grinning at me, and it takes me a minute to process her words.

My hands fly to the hem of my dress as I flush, my face burning. "Wait, you can tell that I'm - "

"No, I just know that dress shows every single underwear line," she laughs at me, reaching for her glass from the coffee table. "Have fun with Jungkook."

"I will. It's been exactly six months since we met," I reply, glancing in the mirror, fixing a stray curl. "He insisted on planning the night."

Hannah grins. "So, because he planned, you won't be coming home tonight." She raises her eyebrows at me and I flush.

"I don't know. Just - don't wait up for me."

I hurry out the door to her laughter, shaking my head as I smile, slipping my phone into my pocketbook as I make my way down the stairs. An unfamiliar blue car is idling by the curb, and I pause for a moment before I recognize the features of the man in the driver's seat, then open my door, slipping into the passenger seat. "Wow, new car?"

"Yeah, Seokjin said I wasn't allowed to take his anymore, so I figured it was past time I bought my own anyway." Jungkook glances up from his phone, his eyes widening slightly as they fall on me, and I take a moment to appreciate the soft curl of his bangs into his forehead, the slim-fitting black suit, the light gloss of his lips.

"You look amazing," I say, and Jungkook nods, his tongue darting out to dampen his lips, eyes still on me.

"You...wow," he grins slightly, looking away from me, and his ears are slightly red as he clears his throat. "You clean up pretty nice."

I grin. "Are you blushing?" He shakes his head and I laugh. "You're totally blushing, Jeon Jungkook."

"I am not blushing, men don't blush." Jungkook shrugs, reaching for the gearshift, and the car jolts for a moment as he grimaces. "Haven't figured out the clutch yet."

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