25. Stress Relief

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I lean into Jungkook's side, resting my head on his bare shoulder as I watch our intertwined hands, the way his fingers gently squeeze mine as he shifts to press a kiss to my forehead.

"You tired?"

I grin slightly, applying slight pressure to his fingers in response, inhaling his cinnamon-y warmth. "You're not?"

"Of course I am," his chest rumbles as he chuckles, his warm golden skin glowing in the light from my lamp. "Two hours will do that to anyone."

"It wasn't two hours," I grin, closing my eyes, letting his hand tracing slow patterns on my hip relax my body. "Maybe an hour and a half, tops."

"I'm almost positive it was two." Jungkook tightens his arm around my waist, and I lean into him more fully, pressed completely against his warm skin.

"You keep lying to yourself," I murmur sleepily and he chuckles, pressing another soft kiss against my nose.

"Go to sleep."

I nod, letting my eyes slip closed, and he lets out a slow breath, his whole body relaxing, untensing.

"How was your week?" I whisper after a moment, my brain suddenly awake for some reason, and he chuckles slightly, forcing his eyes open as he turns to face me.

"Long. Dance practice left me so sore." He gives me a smile. "See, you relieved my stress."

"What am I, just a stress reliever?"

He grins, shaking his head, leaning forward to brush a light kiss to my lips. "No, that's an added bonus to having you as my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend, huh," I breathe the words and he chuckles lightly.

"Unless you have something you need to tell me, I'm fairly certain you're my girlfriend."

"No, I guess I just hadn't thought about it before." We're both quiet for a minute, and his eyes are drooping exhaustedly, and I smile, brushing his sweaty hair from his forehead. "You're the one who should be sleeping."

He smiles sleepily, turning his head to press a kiss against my wrist, and his arms tighten around my waist, pulling me tighter against him. I rest my forehead on his bare chest, letting my eyes close, a smile pulling at my lips as his breathing steadies, his heartbeat lulling me into a sweet sleep.

"Y/n, do you still have my - oh."

My eyes open and I blink for a minute, processing the voice, the light now filtering in through my curtains, Jungkook's body blocking my view of the door. I sit up abruptly, clutching the covers to my chest as I realize what's happening, meeting Hannah's wide eyes as she stares at me, frozen in the doorway, her eyes dropping to Jungkook's back.

"Um, I'll...come back later?"

Jungkook stirs at her voice, shifting slightly, and I realize all she can see is his bare shoulders, grasping his arm tightly so he won't roll over in a way that she can see his face. "Yeah - uhm - sorry, I - " my face is burning, my heart beating out of my chest as her eyes fall to his bare back again.

"Uhm. Yeah." Hannah stays frozen in the doorway a moment longer, her eyes on his still sleeping form, then she seems to shake herself out of it, her face red as she turns, shutting the door behind her, and I let out a shaky breath, realizing what just happened, how close this just was.

Jungkook's eyes open and he rolls onto his back to look up at me, blinking in confusion, his voice gravelly from sleep. "Were you talking to me?"

I shake my head, letting out another breath. "That - Hannah just walked in."

One NightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon