27. And I Oop

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A not-so-hushed whisper reaches my ears, and I stir slightly, barely conscious, my eyes still closed as my fingers curl around the wispy strands of hair in my fingers.

"What, Hoseok - " the low voice stops abruptly, and it's silent for a minute. "Just leave them alone, okay?"

"Who is she?"

"It's the girl from the fanmeet, remember?" Jin whispers, and there's slight rustling as Jin sighs. "Taehyung, there's nothing to see here, go ahead to the dinner table and get out plates."

"Wait, is that - "

"Hoseok, you too. Let's leave them alone."

My eyes open finally, and I blink, disconcerted in the low lighting, my eyes zeroing in on the scrolling credits on the TV screen first, then scanning the room, falling upon the three tall, slim boys in the doorway.

"She's awake," the first one - Hoseok - whispers again, literally the loudest whisper I've ever heard, and Jin smacks the back of his head lightly, then turns to make eye contact with me.

"Sorry. We'll be in the kitchen." He grasps Hoseok's wrist, then Taehyung's, pulling them out of the room after him, and I can hear noise from the kitchen, chatter and the smell of what seems like pizza, and I glance down into my lap to find Jungkook's eyes open, looking up at me.


I smile a little, still half asleep, removing my hand from his hair to rub my eyes. "Hoseok is really loud."

Jungkook nods, then his brow furrows slightly. "They're home?"

"Yeah, that's what woke me up."

Jungkook sits up, stretching slightly, frowning. "Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Better than if we were at my place and Hannah walked in, right?"

"I guess." Jungkook gives me a short smile, reaching out to brush my hair from my face. "You want to go see what food they brought?"

I hesitate, unsure, and he tilts his head at me. "I won't let them give you a hard time."

"Big words from the man whose sole purpose in life is to give me a hard time."

Jungkook chuckles, his face relaxing, grinning at me as he stands, holding out his hand. "C'mon. I smell pizza."

I slip my fingers into his, letting him tug me gently toward the kitchen, and it falls silent as we appear in the doorway, six pairs of eyes blinking at me over their slices of pizza - or in Taehyung's case, two slices of pizza.

"Sup," Jungkook gives them a nod, walking into the kitchen, pretending not to notice the silence as he tugs me after him by our intertwined hands. "You guys remember Y/n."

"Hey," Jin is the first to break the silence, giving me a bright smile. "It's good to see you again, Y/n."

I nod, slightly awkward as I give him a small smile, and the tall boy with glasses speaks up. Namjoon? I think?

"Yeah, it's good to see you. Jungkook, grab her a plate and we'll make space at the table."

"Thanks, Hyung." Jungkook squeezes my hand, letting go of it to walk across the room to a cabinet as the boys around the table shuffle around, laughing as Taehyung sits on Yoongi's lap and Yoongi doesn't even care, just chewing his pizza calmly; Taehyung rests his head against his chest, stealing a bite of the pizza in Yoongi's hand to the laughter of Jimin and Hoseok.

"Here, Y/n," Jin gestures to the two empty seats next to him, giving me a bright smile, and I walk over hesitantly, sitting next to him and Jungkook returns with a plate, setting it in front of me as he slips behind my chair to his seat next to me.

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