14. Come Over

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That Asshole
Sleep well?

I glare at the text, rolling onto my back to reply.

You think you're funny?

That Asshole
I know I'm funny

You aren't really that pissed, chill


You can't decide how pissed I am

That Asshole
Actually, since you still let me drink with you for another hour I'd say you're perfectly normal

It's not like I could force you out of my apartment

That Asshole


That Asshole
I know for a fact if you really want to do something, you're going to do it no matter what

So don't give me that "I couldn't kick you out" bullshit if you expect me to take you seriously

You're the kind of badass girl who gives zero shits if she wants something to happen

So if you'd really wanted me out, I'd have been the hell out of there

I blink at the text, unsure what to reply to that, and the conversation lulls, an awkwardness following the words that I'm not sure what he meant by.

Finally I give up waiting for him to say something else, sighing as I flop back on my bed.


"I'm in my room," I yell back to Hannah, and she appears in a minute, still in the dress and makeup I helped her into yesterday. I sit up, widening my eyes. "Wait, same clothes from last night?"

"Don't be like that, I just fell asleep as soon as I got home." She grins at me. "Unlike you, if the beer in the living room is any indication."

"Damn it, I meant to clean that up."

Hannah grins, shrugging. "I already got it." She sits on the edge of my bed. "Same guy as last time?"

"Yeah. Nothing happened, though." I frown, annoyed as I remember, and Hannah grins.

"Why not? You both drank a lot, what did you do to him to make him not sleep with you?"

I groan, pulling my pillow from under my head to smack her with it. "I don't know, don't ask."

"That's rough." Hannah stands, stretching. "You want to go out for breakfast?"

"Sure." I slip out of bed and Hannah throws the pillow back at me.

"Get dressed," she disappears and I close the door after her, heading for my dresser before my phone buzzes on the bed.

I pick it up, unlocking it to a text from Jungkook, a small smile pulling at my lips.

That Asshole
I have the dorm to myself until tomorrow morning.


That Asshole
So no one's here


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