12. Aromaphile

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I glance and Hannah waves at me from her group of friends, leading the way over, and I sigh, closing my book, slipping it into my bag. Her group follows her, standing awkwardly as Hannah grins at me.

"I thought you'd be home already."

"No, I was just studying here. It's nice outside."

"Ah. You want to grab lunch with us?"

I glance up at the people behind her, three girls and a couple guys. "I mean..."

"Come on, it's fine. They'll like you."

"All right." I let her tug me to my feet then brush off my jeans, reaching for my bag. "Where are we going?"

"Tteokbokki. Everyone, this is Y/n."

"The twin!" One girl exclaims excitedly and Hannah grins.

"How did you know?" She jokes and the girls laugh. "She's going to have lunch with us, no flirting, Jaehyun."

One of the guys rolls his eyes, dimpling as he grins, his English lilting with a soft accent. "I never flirt, Hannah."

"Liar." Hannah laughs at him, linking arms with one of the girls, and they set off. I follow awkwardly, slightly behind the group, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

You have one new message.

I open my texts, grinning as his name pops up.

Annoying Superstar
I saw a bird today that reminded me of you

...a bird?

He replies instantly, surprising me.

Annoying Superstar
It attacked Taehyung because he got too close, it was hilarious

So what, I'm an aggressive bird?

Annoying Superstar
See, it's perfect!

You're tiny and look sweet then BAM, beak digging into your skull, blood everywhere

What the hell?

Annoying Superstar
I know, it's shocking how perfect it is

Why do I even talk to you?

Annoying Superstar
I'm pretty sure it's only because I've got a big dick

What the actual fuck

Annoying Superstar
You know it's true 😏

Average sized. At best.

Annoying Superstar
See, you think that because you obviously haven't seen many

I'm going to kill you on Tuesday

Annoying Superstar


Annoying Superstar
Haha speechless Y/n, I didn't even know that was possible

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