8. Oh, Hell No

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Hannah barely glances up from her magazine, taking another sip of her smoothie as she folds her legs onto the couch. "Morning."

I head into the kitchen, frowning as I notice the lack of coffee in the coffee maker: when Hannah or I wake up before the other, it's our thing to make the coffee.

"No coffee today?" I turn, glancing at her over the counters and she shakes her head.

"Nah, didn't feel like it."

"Oh." I tilt my head at her then shrug, turning to grab a coffee mug from the cabinet, filling it with water from the pitcher on the counter, reaching for an instant iced coffee packet. "Did you sleep well?"

Hannah raises an eyebrow at me. "It was a bit loud to sleep comfortably."

I choke on my coffee, dropping my mug into the sink by accident, and it shatters, scaring the crap out of me. "Fuck." I reach for a dishtowel, mopping up the splatters of coffee on the counter. "Uhm...I'm sorry about that."

"Is he going to join us for breakfast?" Hannah glances toward the doorway and I shake my head abruptly.

"No, he's - he left already."

"So...who is he?"

I sigh, abandoning the glass in the sink, getting a glass of water and walking to sit next to her on the sofa. "He's just a guy."

Hannah raises her eyebrows at me, giving me a look. "Just a guy?"


We're both quiet for a minute, then Hannah stands, giving me an older sister look. "I get it, Y/n, but at least give me a heads up next time? I almost walked in."

My head snaps up to stare at her and she shrugs. "Luckily I heard you."

"I'm super sorry, Hannah. He was just coming over for something he left here..." My voice trails off and I grimace. "Sorry."

Hannah grins slightly, shaking her head. "Look at you, the temptress."

"How old are you, a century?"

She laughs, shaking her head as she brings her smoothie glass to the sink, then sees the shards still in it and sighs, setting the glass next to it, reaching for a paper bag from under the sink. "You have plans today?"

"No, why?"

She opens the paper bag, picking up the larger pieces of glass from the sink and slipping them into it. "I've got a date later, but wanted to see if you'd go shopping with me."

"Ooh, a date?" I tease and she raises her eyebrows at me.

"I don't think you can make fun of me, Miss One-Night Stand."

"Technically it wasn't just one night," I counter, and she widens her eyes at me. "I meant, we've done it before, so it's not like it's a big deal." It's totally a big deal, but it's not like I'm telling her that.

"Damn, I didn't think you had it in you." Hannah grins, softening the sarcasm in her words. "Multiple times, though," she muses, running water in the sink, washing the rest of the glass down the drain. "You think it's going to develop into something more?"

I snort, thinking of Jungkook's smug face, the snarky comments, the flirty disgusting-ness. "Oh, hell no."

Hannah laughs. "What, he's good enough to hook up with, but not to date?"

"He's just - " I hesitate, unsure how to phrase this. "He drives me insane. He can't carry on an adult conversation to save his life, he has absolutely no filter, and he's an all around smartass who thinks he's way better than he is."

Hannah chuckles. "I'm not going to lie, he sounds perfect for you."

Water comes out of my nose as I choke, laughing. "Oh fuck no."

"Oh, come on. You're a smartass with no filter and an inflated ego, he's a smartass with no filter and an inflated ego..."

"I hate you so much." I shake my head, still grinning at the thought. Me and Jeon Jungkook? No way in hell.

"In all honesty, chances are he's not really that bad. You're already realizing it, if you've slept with him."

"It was completely accidental," I defend myself, frowning. "And he really is that bad. If you knew the real him, you'd be shocked."

"I know him?"

I blink at her. "When did I say that?"

"Just now, you said if I knew the real him," Hannah makes air quotes with her fingers and I realize my mistake, taking a drink of water, trying to appear casual.

"I guess I just proved the whole can't carry on a conversation thing. I meant if you knew him."

"Hm." Hannah looks at me for a minute before shrugging slightly, stretching. "I want to go to the mall in about an hour, so if you're coming you'd better be ready."

"All right."

She disappears down the hall and I bring my water glass to the sink, heading to my room. The t-shirt is still there, sitting on my bed, the white note resting on my dresser, and I hesitate, unable to resist the urge to walk over, picking up the note again, running my fingers over the edges of the paper.

I almost want to text him.

What the hell? I shake my head, letting the note fall through my fingers, walking backward to flop onto my bed. I'm an addict. A Jungkook addict. I've got to stop letting him get inside my head.

But I want to text him.


I sigh, annoyed, rolling over to press my face into the fabric of my sheets, getting a noseful of cinnamon and spice and boy.

God dammit.

I can't resist it now, grabbing the note from the counter, opening my messages. I type in the number slowly, then stare at the new, empty text screen. What do I even say? There's really not much protocol for morning after texts to a guy you hate with whom you still hooked up.

Finally I sigh, slipping my phone into my back pocket, rummaging through my dresser for clothing. My phone vibrates weirdly in my pocket and I frown, reaching for it, unsure why it buzzed.

The screen is lit up, and I'm not sure why until I look at the screen fully, my eyes widening in shock as I see an open call screen, the number I typed into my text messages, the small timer in the bottom of the screen counting almost three minutes now.

Well shit.

I just accidentally butt-dialed Jeon Jungkook.

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