21. Just Sleeping

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I can't breathe, finally looking away, the low chuckle in his chest telling me he knows he's won. "Y/n..."

"Stop it." I turn to look at him again, my face heating. "Stop acting like you know what's going on inside my head, because you have no idea what it's like trying to figure out what a guy like you is thinking, and whether you're playing with me or you're serious, and what this even means if you are serious, and - "

I'm cut off as his hands find my waist, pushing me against the wall, his hips pressing forward to pin mine there, and my breath hitches, my face heating, my voice suddenly gone.

"You can be so damn frustrating," Jungkook says it lowly, his eyes tracing my face, hands rubbing gentle circles on my hips, and I'm breathing shakily, hating the way his warmth is seeping through me, filling my whole body with his musky, sweet spiciness.

"Somehow that makes me want you even more."

His words are so quiet, simply a breath leaving his lips, and I just stare, realizing, my chest tightening as I can't pull away, I can't look away, I can't breathe as he leans forward to press his forehead to mine, lips barely millimeters apart, every puff of breath warm against my skin.

"Y/n," he breathes, nose brushing mine as he closes his eyes, breathing me in, his hands burning their way up my hips, over my waist.

His nose is nuzzling my neck, a hitch catching in my throat as I grip his shoulders, almost wanting to push him away, the sensation almost too much, and when his lips leave my skin I let out a breath, my eyes opening to find his on mine, the dark brown serious, intent.

"You like me."

I stare at him, unsure and scared and just wanting his mouth on mine again, and my throat is so tight I can't form words, only able to close my eyes so I can't see his face as my head tilts into the slightest of nods, finally admitting to the thing I didn't even know about myself.

I like him.

I like Jeon Jungkook.

I let out a shaky breath, the realization making my stomach fill with lead, and Jungkook is uncharacteristically silent, still, his hands still on my waist, the only sound our breaths in unison.

"Y/n," my name is a breath, barely escaping his lips, and I open my eyes slowly, my hands shaky where they still grip his shirt loosely, and his chocolatey smooth eyes are soft, serious, more real than I've ever seen them.

Jungkook opens his mouth like he's going to speak again, then shakes his head slightly, his hand traveling up my hip, over my side so his large hand cradles my jaw, fingers tangled in my hair, thumb brushing the skin of my cheek as he tilts my head up more towards him.

I let out a shaky breath as he tilts his head at me, and he leans forward so slowly, so carefully, so completely differently than he's been kissing me that I'm caught off guard by how soft his lips are, how he barely brushes them to mine, the briefest of kisses that makes my breath hitch and my fingers clench in the fabric of his shirt, wanting more, needing more.

I open my eyes, unsure why he hasn't kissed me again, and Jungkook is just staring at me, the expression on his face almost sweet, his eyes tracing my features, and they longer on my lips for the briefest of moments before he's leaning down, brushing his mouth to mine again, no longer than that last kiss but somehow more, sweeter and softer and tender as he brushes his lips against mine again, and again, short, soft kisses that make my toes curl as I lean up into him, my hands finding their way to tangle in the long curls at the nape of his neck.

"Jungkook," I breathe his name between kisses, my fingers tightening in his hair, tugging slightly, and he lets out a breath, his mouth leaving mine, pressing against the corner of my mouth, my jaw, tongue tasting the skin just below my ear. I let out a shaky breath, pressing closer to him, and the corners of his lips turn upward against my skin.

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