6. A Hostage Situation

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The bell rings again and I let out a growl of frustration, tossing my book aside. "Where the hell are you?!"

I reach for my phone, opening it to a text about her going to the store, and I glower at the words, forcing myself out of my desk chair to make my way to the door just as the bell rings again. I undo the chain, yanking it open, glaring at whoever it is before I almost choke as he gives me a wide smirk.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hiss, glaring at him, closing the door behind me as I step into the hall. "Are you stalking me?"

"Damn, relax," Jungkook raises his hands lazily in an I surrender gesture, a smirk pulling at his lips. "I just want my shirt back."

"You know, I feel like we already fucking talked about this, plus you're stalking me," I glower at him and he grins, shrugging.

"You know, you say it's stalking, but I just see it as just finding my way to your apartment again."

I glower at him, glancing down the hall, worried someone is going to appear even though I've never met the other people in the apartment complex. "Get out of my building, you know what would happen if someone saw you here? I'm not looking for death threats from your millions of fans because of your stupidity."

Jungkook grins, leaning against the wall. "That's not what you were saying last time we were in this hallway."

I flush at the memory of his hands wandering, his lips against mine, and I shake my head abruptly. "Hannah will be back any minute, and if she sees you here she'll go insane."

"Oh right, the twin." Jungkook shrugs, straightening up, walking closer. "Just give me my shirt and I'll be out of here."

"This is harassment." I back away as he continues walking forward, until my back is against the door and I swallow, glaring at him. "What, are you going to force your way into my apartment?"

He chuckles lightly, so close now that I can see a tiny mole underneath his lower lip, his front tooth slightly crooked. "How about," he pauses, leaning forward, and I press myself further against the door, leaning away from him, and his lips pull up in a smirk as he turns the door handle behind me; I stumble backward as the door opens and Jungkook walks into my apartment like it's his.

"Excuse - " I cough, trying to make my voice sound normal, and he chuckles.

"Is it in your room?"

"I'm not about to fucking tell you, after that stunt you just pulled."

He grins. "I can just go through your stuff, if you'd prefer that."

"I have nothing to hide."

"So you don't mind me going through your underwear drawer? Because I'll be heading there first."

I glare at him. "You're horrible, has anyone ever told you that?"

"Again, not what you were saying last time." Jungkook's lips pull upward as he walks toward my room and I shut the front door, hurrying over.

"I won't give you your t-shirt unless you promise to leave me the fuck alone after this."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, grinning. "What, a hostage situation?"

"That's exactly it." I plant myself in front of the door to my room, my arms crossed. "If you want to see your shirt, alive and healthy, ever again, you'll leave me alone and I'll send you the goddamn disgusting shirt that I don't even know why you want back at my leisure."

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