18. No Claim

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I turn at my name, squinting as I try to place the figure, and it clicks as his dimples become visible. "Hey, Jaehyun!"

He grins brightly, stopping next to me, bumping me with his shoulder. "How's it going?"

"I'm exhausted," I grin, shifting my messenger bag of books to my other shoulder. "You?"

"I'm going to the mall, I think." He tilts his head upwards, squinting in the sunlight. "Because I've got nothing to do with my life."

"The mall?"

"Yeah, I wanted to get your sister a birthday present, will you come with? You can help me pick it out," he pauses, then flashes me a grin. "And I'll buy lunch?"

"Damn it, you had to mention lunch," I groan playfully and Jaehyun grins, taking my bag from my shoulder, slinging it over his.

"Let's go, then."

We walk slowly toward the mall, enjoying the cool weather, and Jaehyun holds the door open for me, a blast of air from the AC blowing my hair out of my face.

"Okay, where first?"

I grin at him. "Is that even a question? Food first, obviously."

"You know, I had to ask." Jaehyun grins at me, heading toward the food court, and I hurry to keep up with his long legs.

"What are you wanting to get Hannah?"

"I'm thinking some kind of jewelry?" Jaehyun shrugs, turning into the food court, scanning the restaurants. "I don't honestly know what she'd want, that's what you're here for." He turns, grinning at me. "What do you want to eat?"

"I vote burgers and fries." I tilt my head at the restaurant behind us and Jaehyun nods.

"Grab us a table and I'll get the food, deal?"

"You don't even know what I want," I laugh at him and he shakes his head, grinning.

"Same as your sister, right? Cheeseburger with only lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. And small fries and diet coke."

"Damn." I stare at him, shocked, and he laughs.

"Get a table already."

I grin, heading toward an open table, and I take a seat, pulling my phone from my pocket, scrolling through my social media as I wait. Jaehyun is only a couple of minutes before he reappears with a tray of drinks, burgers, and fries, setting it down between us.

"Thanks for lunch," I fold a fry into my mouth, breathing through my teeth as I fan my mouth. "Fuck, hot."

Jaehyun laughs, unwrapping his burger, and I reach for my drink, washing down the burning potato. "You could have warned me," I glare playfully, and he laughs, shaking his head.

"It was funny."

"You're horrible." I grin at him and my phone buzzes in my hand, making me turn over and unlock it.

Confusing, Annoying, somehow Hot
Who's the guy you're with?

I blink at the text, setting down my drink, then glance around. What the fuck?

I'm sorry?

Confusing, Annoying, somehow Hot
The guy with the dimples, stealing your fries right now

Okay but what the actual fuck?

Confusing, Annoying, somehow Hot
Ask him if he listens to kpop

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