28. J...ustin

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"I'm in my room," I call back to Hannah, pulling the covers on my bed up. "What do you want?"

She appears in the doorway, her hair falling out of its ponytail, sticking to her forehead with sweat. "I wasn't sure you were here, sorry."

"You're fine." I give her a smile, now tidying the top of my dresser. "Did you go for a run?"

"How could you tell?" She teases, grinning, flopping down on my bed as she whines, her voice muffled in the pillows. "I'm so tired.

"Gross, get off my bed!" I glare as she sits up, grinning at me.

"What, you don't want my sweat on your clean sheets?"

"Nasty," I wrinkle my nose at her, and she grins, still sitting on my bed.

"You have plans today?"

"I don't think so. I might go to Jun - to a friend's later."

"The mysterious maybe-boyfriend?" She grins at me sideways, her tone light.

"Yeah," I mumble slightly, shrugging. "We're actually dating now."

"What?" Hannah grins, flopping out on my bed to prop her chin in her hands, blinking up at me, reminding me of all those times in our shared room after school as teenagers, gossiping about boys, and I grin for a moment before remembering that I can't do that now, not with Jungkook being who he is.

"Yeah, a couple weeks now," I say quietly. "Nothing huge."

"When can I meet him?"

I turn, blinking at her, and she grins. "You look so shocked right now, of course I want to meet him."

"Yeah, he just...he's a pretty shy person."

"He's dating you, how shy can he be?" Hannah grins. "Come on, we always introduce our guys to each other. Freak them out with the identical twin thing."

"Yeah..." My voice trails off and I shrug slightly. "He's just a really private person, so I don't know if he'd be up for - "

"It's not like you're dating some guy you don't want me to meet, is it?" Hannah furrows her brow. "What, is he someone I know? Is that it? You don't want me to meet him because I know him and it'll be weird or something?"

"No..." I let my voice trail off, and I can tell she's not convinced. "He's just shy. That's all."

"What's his name, at least?"

Damn it. I search wildly for names that start with J, ones I'll remember if she asks me about him by name. "J...ustin. Justin."

"He's American?"

"No, he's Korean, he just...his parents liked American names?"

Hannah nods, seemingly convinced, and I let out a small breath, turning to my dresser as my phone begins ringing, and I search for it to a minute before remembering it's on my side table, turning.

"You have a call from..." Hannah tilts her head, her eyebrows drawn. "Hot Asshole?"

I choke, my face heating as I hurry to snatch the phone from her grip. "I'm going to step outside."

"Wait, is that the guy?" Hannah grins. "Hot Asshole? I have to meet him now, oh my god."

"I - " I stop, shaking my head as I hurry out of the room, slipping in my ear buds to answer the FaceTime call when I'm sure Hannah's out of earshot, sitting down at the kitchen table with a huff. "Great timing, Jungkook."

"You know, I was thinking now was the perfect time to call you and look, I was right." He grins at me, and it looks like he's in the car, the scenery zipping past over his shoulder.

"Jesus, you're impossible." I let out a breath, still tense from the conversation with Hannah. "What do you want."

"You okay?" Jungkook frowns, tilting his head at me. "You seem upset. Well, more than normal at least."

"I'm not upset," I snap at him and he blinks at me as I bite my lip, my voice quieter. "Sorry."

"What's up?" Jungkook furrows his brow at me, his eyes soft. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just..." I let out a breath, the tension slowly diffusing as Jungkook gives me a smile. "Hannah was grilling me about our relationship, I know she wants to meet you and that's so stressful."

Jungkook nods slightly. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

He gives me a grin, shrugging. "I'm used to it by now."

"I hate you." I can't help laughing a little, and he tilts his head, making an offended face.

"Well. I was on the way to bring you back to the dorm with me, practice is done for today and I got a separate car from the boys to pick you up, but if you hate me..."

I grin a bit. "I take it back. Rescue me. Please."

Jungkook laughs. "I'm about five minutes away. It's a black Chevy suv."


"It is not, stop it." He rolls his eyes at me, grinning. "Hurry up and get ready to go, you're not even dressed."

"Hang up and I will get ready," I challenge playfully, and he grins.

"I think not. You want to get ready, you hang up."

"No, you."

"What are we, four?"

I laugh. "No, you just have to hit that end call button and I'll stop."

"You suck," Jungkook grins at me, shaking his head, and out of the corner of my eye I notice Hannah slip into the kitchen.

"I'll see you in five, I have to go," I say quickly, and he opens his mouth but I've already hit the end button quickly, so Hannah can't see the phone when she walks behind me to the sink.

"You going out?"

"Yeah, he's picking me up in five minutes."

Hannah nods, taking a sip of water, as she frowns a little, seemingly lost in thought. "Have fun, I guess."


I stand there for a minute longer, unsure what to say, then finally turn and walk to my room, letting out a breath.

I don't like this.

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