🌹 s e v e n

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🌹 s e v e n

Had she been staring at him for more than a minute? She didn't know. But what she did know was she was starting to accept that there was no way out of Aidoneus' hold. She just have to know where this would go.

She shied away from his touch, she couldn't handle his intense gaze. She looked at the moon instead and let out a breath. The silent night accompanying them. And as she looked at the moon that night, she came to a decision. She only prayed this would go well.

"You really wouldn't give me up?" She saw him nod, although his face looked solemn his eyes was set in that familiar look of determination. "And you really wouldn't let me go?" Another nod, she sighed. "Okay."

"Okay?" He asked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I clearly don't have the choice whether I could go home or not, so I'm giving you a chance Aidoneus." She looked at him and it was her first time seeing such a hopeful look on his face that she couldn't help but feel bad... almost. "This doesn't mean I'm giving up in wanting to be freed. I'm giving you this chance because I know no matter how hard and set you are on keeping me here, I know you're a good man and you wouldn't ever hurt me." Physically that is. She had cried because of him. "Because if you wanted to, then you should've hurt me already. You should've done it while I was so adamant on going home. You could've hurt me. But you didn't. You couldn't. So I'm giving you this chance." She willed herself not to crumble under his intense dark orbs. "Make me happy. Make me stay. Don't prove to me that I'm wrong about me not capable of loving you, prove to me that you're right about you being truly capable of loving me. Prove to me that you love me. Make me love you Aidoneus."

She didn't know how it happened but she was sitting there and the next thing she knew she was on his lap and his arms surrounded her, making her feel safe and warm and lovely. She sat there, her whole body stiffening but her insides were a total mess, screaming for her to wrap her arms around him too.

He let out an audible sigh. And it sounded a lot like a sigh of relief. "Thank you love." He squeezed gently, letting her know he was indeed grateful. "I wouldn't fail you. Not when you're giving me a chance that I don't deserve. Aiyana Selene Blumstein, I would make you love me. And if I fail, you could always push me to drown in that angry river." She didn't know if he was kidding.

"You're crazy."

"I'm serious." She pulled away but he only cupped her face and leaned his forehead on hers, her eyes widened from the proximity. He closed his eyes and let out another sigh. "Drown me. Kill me. I don't care what you do to me after. What purpose do I have to serve later in life if I couldn't even make the only woman that I love happy? If I couldn't even make her love me?" Her heart skipped a beat. And she hoped he didn't hear the drums inside her chest.

He opened his eyes, his dark orbs staring with a look so profound she almost forgot how to breathe. Why does Aidoneus always looks at her like he wants to worship her? Why does he always looks at her like she was some goddess he would praise?

"You don't know how grateful I am my love. Thank you. I'm not good at this but trust me, I'm gonna do my best to win you over." She had never seen a man as determined as Aidoneus. And she was afraid, this man was dangerous. Not because of his reputation but because of what she can see in him. Despite being the villain the people had unsuccessfully drilled into her mind, she can see goodness in him. She can see a broken man, one that could only be fixed by love. He was her crush a long time ago, he was also the same man she gave lavender roses too when in truth she needed the flowers more than him, she had been enamoured by him the first time too and now this. He's the man who will do anything, maybe even grovel and kneel before her just to make her love him. She was terrified because without him even knowing, she was beginning to harbor feelings for Aidoneus again just like before. But where before was only an innocent crush, now the feeling was more intense. She didn't know how to describe it, the only thing she knows is no man had ever made her heart race. Only him.

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