I'm Calling It Something

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My eyes met hers. And my heart exploded. Maybe it was only for a second, but I felt alive in that second. The way she gave me that little smile. The way her eyes seemed to brighten when she saw me. Was that just my imagination? Her curly hair dropped out behind her, falling with perfect grace. Her tan skin gleaned in the dim hall ways. She looked like a princess, a beautiful princess. I stood, the rushing flow of the halls speeding along, unable to break my stare from her laughing face. And maybe it was just for a second, but when our eyes met... bright green against stormy grey... I've never felt like that before.

His name is Percy. I don't know how I feel about him, but I do know that I don't feel nothing. There's something there. A spark? A connection? Call it what you want. I'm calling it something.

I knew he was different the very first time I saw him. It was only for a second, but a second was all that we needed. His sparkling eyes met mine, the way they gleamed against the dull background of the moving crowd. They latched onto mine, and we held each other's gaze for a second. Just one second. His raven black hair was tangled and windswept. His body was lean and muscular. His lips curled into a stupid smirk, and I just couldn't help but give a little smile of my own.

And then it broke. That second of magical interaction was done just as quickly as it had began. My heart seemed to race faster than usual. I laughed. I wasn't sure why. He was lost in the crowd now, I couldn't see him. But I didn't care. I smiled to myself as I left the hall.

Annabeth. Have you ever heard such a beautiful name? She's perfect. We don't have any classes together, but I don't mind. Sometimes I see her at her locker, and that's enough for me. Besides, I doubted I would ever have the courage to talk to her. I get nervous when she's near. My words fumble about, my palms sweat and my pulse races. I don't even know how to describe the feeling. I don't know what it is, I just know it's something.

Damn. Annabeth looks absolutely gorgeous today. I think it's illegal to look that good. She's fucking beautiful.

I don't know what it is about that girl, but the way my heart races around her. It's unnatural. I don't even know what to say. The feeling is so foreign to me. Do I like her? I think I do. I've had crushes before, but... not like this.

That dopey smile. Oh how I've grown to adore that dopey smile of his. That childish, pure, adorable, dopey little smile. The butterflies that race through me when he smiles. That stupid smirk that he flashes in the halls. I can't help my heart from melting when he gives his flirtatious little wink. I know he wants to come over and talk to me. I see how he hesitates as he passes me in the halls, like he wants to say something. He's nervous. It's cute.

Football practice. I missed the catch. But it's because I saw her. Walking by the field, earbuds plugged in. Oversized sweater hanging down to her knees. I blinked, my hands outstretched. The ball smacked me hard in the face. I clutched my nose, moaning, and looked up to see her. Laughing. At me. She had tears in her eyes and was gripping her stomach. Our eyes met. It was more than a second. I stuck my tongue out at her, rolling my eyes and keeping the hint of the smile from spreading onto my lips. I glanced back at her.
She shook her head.
"Dumbass" she mouthed.

He missed the catch. I thought it was hilarious. You can't blame me for cracking up. Too bad he got yelled at by the coach. But still, it was too funny.

The way he stuck his tongue out at me. God, what a child. But, I guess it was somewhat endearing too. I guess...

I found myself walking by his football practices every day that week. Not on purpose, of course. I just... did. He looked good. Really good. The sweat dripping from his face, the sun beating down on his messy hair. His eyes glinting in the light. I wanted to squeal like a little girl.

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