Nobody's perfect

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EVERYONE : Nobody's perfect

Me :

These six are perfect fight me—

(Real life :

Bernard : *hair flips and boasting*

Froy : *just does whatever the hell his brother's doing because older brothers know best*

Haizaki : I know I am, you don't have to say it outloud....(actually please DO say it out loud.)

Kira : Yep. The God Striker, Kira Hiroto, is HOT.

Endou : Yay~ I'm on top !!!

Mizukamiya : I-I'm not even h-handsome...

Koujirou : Why aren't I there ?

Fianne : Yeah, why aren't my brother and I up there ?

Kariya : 'cause you two are too perfect to be put in there. *Lies*

Fianne : Sokka ! *Sparkling eyes*

Koujirou : That's why...Nee-san, we're too perfect !!! *Smiles wide*

Luciana_chan7 : Oh, if only you knew...*looks at Kariya*

Kariya : *smiles*)

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