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For this episode of shipping ship ships, I will do a ship that I really live for. I have a lot, and most of my ships are my life and/or life support, but here comes the most unexpected ship that I love.


Don't panic, it's not the end of the world. I like to ship them because they hate each other. Simple reason.

Anyway, let's go and dive deep into my love for this weird OTP of mine. Along with more. Because I'm doing more than one.

First and foremost, let's start with the "who does what" questions. Here they are, all fresh from Tumblr :



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1. Gives nose/forehead kisses - Kidou usually gives the forehead kisses. Well— all the kisses—

2. Gets jealous easily - Mitsuru will start war with someone he sees is on a 10 meter radius from Kidou.

3. Picks the other one up from the bar when they're too drunk to drive - Mitsuru. Kidou wants to drink all night long until he wakes up in his bed with Mitsuru looking at him with arms crossed.

4. Takes care of on sick days - There was never and never will be a day Mitsuru will let Kidou take care of him. Mitsuru does take care of Kidou in his sick days though.

5. Drags the other person into the water on beach day - Mitsuru. Kidou hates going into the ocean but his lover convinces him it's alright.

6. Gives unprompted massages - No one can match Mitsuru's massaging skills. Kidou comes back for them every time.

7. Drives/rides shotgun - I don't get the question. But if it's about crime then Kidou will drive while Mitsuru will shoot the police behind them.

8. Brings the other lunch at work - Mitsuru. He also knows how to cook.

9. Has the better parental relationship - Mitsuru's dad died, but he isn't getting any curse from heaven for dating Kidou so....Mitsuru ? Kidou's dad is not happy about it at all but doesn't try to break them apart.

10. Tries to start role-playing - kIdOu—

11. Embarassingly drunk dancer - Both of them.

12. Still cries watching Titanic - Surprisingly, it's Kidou. Mitsuru doesn't feel anything. Unless it's a sibling death then that's where he hyperventilates.

13. Firmly believes in couple costumes - It's Mitsuru's religion.

14. Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Kidou. Rich boy has his own rules.

15. Makes the other eat breakfast - Kidou makes Mitsuru eat all day.

16. Remembers anniversaries - Both. They will be heartbroken if they forgot. Or if the other forgot. But they've never experienced it because they've never forgotten.

17. Brings up having kids - Mitsuru. Every. Single. Day. Like, "In the future, can we have kids ?" And Kidou will just sweatdrop.

Now, it's time for another ship. It's Baek Shi-Woo x Seok Min-Woo. If you don't know who they are, they're in the Orion Korean team, Red Bison. Yes, some of my ships hate each other.

Now, GO !

Who's the cuddler ?Definitely Seok

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Who's the cuddler ?
Definitely Seok. He lives for hugs.

Who makes the bed ?
Seok because Baek doesn't know how to.

Who wakes up first ?
Baek. Mostly because he's used to waking up at 3 in the morning.

Who has the weird taste in music ?
No one actually. Both of them listens to K-pop. Baek's favorites are Big Bang and Exo while Seok's favorite is BTS.

Who is more protective ?
Seok is a mom. So of course he's the protective one. But Baek gets pretty protective too.

Who sings in the shower ?
Seok loves screaming out lyrics. Baek only sits by the bathroom door to hear him sing. Sometimes sings along quietly.

Who cries during movies ?
.....Both of them. When there's a dog who dies, Seok cries. If there's betrayal, Baek cries.

Who spends the most while out shopping ?
Baek does. He loves spending money.

Who kisses more roughly ?
Ehhhh....Seok. He always kisses like a beast.

Who's more dominant ?
Seok has the upper hand in the relationship. Baek follows (most of the time).

Here, I'll tell you who I ship and don't ship with Endou Mamoru. Because Endou's a sunshine that deserves love.

 Because Endou's a sunshine that deserves love

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NOTP - Endou x Natsumi. You will never see me happy with this ship. Remember when she had the guts to tell sunshine the soccer club is disbanding and smiled ? She's a—

BROTP - Endou and Tachimukai make the best bros.

OTP - Endou x Gouenji. They are the best ship for me. EVER.

Second choice pairing - Endou x Kidou. I love this ship too.

Fluffy pairing - Endou x a soccer ball, that's for sure. Or maybe Endou x Gouenji.

Angsty pairing - Endou x Dark Emperors Evil Kazemaru

Favorite Poly ship - The break trio because they clearly show affection towards one another.

Weirdest pairing - Endou.....x Tsurugi. I know, I'm a monster.

That's it ! If you want me to make more then just comment. You'll never know if I'll do a request~ Huehuehue 🤭 Bye~ !

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