The Masquerade

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A ballroom filled with the wealthy
Masks upon their faces, hiding their beauty
True identities hidden in the dark
Compliments with the same remark

Stare into my eyes and you'll see
A black soul begging to be free
Once you look, dare I say
You will remember it until your final day

Dancing a waltz around the room
Slowly leading to the faith of doom
The music lingering slowly in their ears
As they spin around, partners holding them near

This is the Masquerade, would you like to join ?
This costs no penny, dime or any coin
Dance until midnight, where love will arise
By the end of the season where you say your Goodbyes...

(Real life :

Kariya : This is just me hating on love through poetry.

Kirino : Why is there the word 'doom' ?

Kariya : Loving someone brings you doom.

Kirino : What do you mean by "By the end of the season where you say your goodbyes" ?

Kariya : You say goodbye to your partner in tears as they leave you for another.

Kirino : How about the soul part ?

Kariya : Deep inside you, you know you're getting heartbreak.

Kirino : Why black ?

Kariya : Because my soul is black.

Kirino : Oh....That's...interesting...)

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