The Origin of Kiyama "Aphrodite" Terumi

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(Changed their last names to Kiyama)

Kariya : We're back and we have an origin to tell !

Haruya : So, Fianne read "The Origin of God Knows" by AzulaPingu in her "Random IE things" book and after that she watched 1/4 of the Greatest Showman. She saw all the unique people the protagonist gathered and there you have it.

The origin of our God sister, Kiyama "Aphrodite" Terumi.

Fuusuke : It's gonna be a sad story with a happy ending. Also, it's a little short considering it's only an origin and not a story.

Froy : Whaddya mean ? *Already tucked up in bed with Bernard and Fianne hugging him* I thought it was story time...

Bernard : It's like a story, but it's called an origin.

Fianne : Start it !

Kariya : A-Okay ! Here we go !

The Origin of Kiyama "Aphrodite" Terumi
By Genda Fianne

Aphrodi was born as a normal kid. Normal, meaning he lived in a neighborhood with friends and two loving parents with a school that was at a walking distance. He was like most little boys his age; happy and carefree. He didn't care about problems and lived his life normal. His parents were happy, his friends were happy, he was happy. Though his parents noticed how his actions changed once the young god turned 5 years old.

He started wanting to wear dresses and growing his hair to a girl's length. His actions were more feminine and he himself was also starting to get more and more feminine each day; which he certainly wasn't before.

You see, his mom and dad were homophobic and greatly has hatred for any type of sexuality that isn't heterosexual or "straight", as people call it today. Homosexual, Pansexual, Bisexual, you name it. They HATE it.

When they noticed that their son was being more girly unlike when he was younger, they were disgusted. Completely disgusted. By their own son.

One night, when Aphrodi was sleeping on his bed, his parents discussed how they were going to send him to the orphanage. Yes, you heard that right; orphanage. "I don't want to keep that brat anymore. He's gross !" The mother said. "Don't worry, we'll throw him out to the orphanage as soon as tomorrow comes. That pathetic little dipshit will be out of our lives." The father smile.

On a side note, the orphanage wasn't Sun Garden. It was another orphanage that had...some things different from his future home. You can call that horribly unique, I guess.

The next day, Aphrodi was told to get dressed and pack his bags for a "vacation". Excited, he threw on a little blue dress, long socks and black lolita doll shoes he got from one of his close friends. Amanda was her name. He brushed his hair and teeth, then packed all his stuff. Once he was done, he went to his parents with an innocent smile that might melt anyone's eyes.

The mother and father only gave him a bitter smile and went outside to start the car. Aphrodi's friends were outside, waiting to play with their best friend, but Terumi declined, saying that he has to go on a vacation. He hugged everyone though, which lasted for 6 seconds each with a side "I'll miss you"'s.

After, they headed to the orphanage.

When they got there, Aphrodi was shocked and confused. He got out of the car with his bag and stared at the building with wide eyes. The parents used this time to drive away and never return to fetch him up.

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