(Bad) News

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So Fire Tornado is real; Gouenji's hissatsu is real. But it isn't as great as it may seem....I know, I know, "Why isn't it great ? It's FIRE TORNADO." You may be asking. Take a good look for yourself and ask again why it isn't so great...

 Take a good look for yourself and ask again why it isn't so great

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The Australian Wildfires. It's spreading all throughout Australia and 480 MILLION animals are already dead, said the news I found. The country is suffocating from all the smoke and worse, nature is dying. I don't know if it's a fire from someone or some people or a natural fire that started itself. My aunt said that the broken part of the ozone layer is on Australia so....

I must admit....2020 isn't the greatest for some people. From Trump's drone attack to Iran and Iran's plan for revenge to this fire, it's kinda dark if you ask me.

Sorry Gouenji, Fire Tornado isn't awesome in real life. It's terrifying.

Just some news I wanted to share.

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