The Shindou Family

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Fianne : Okay, so—

Luciana_chan7 : Besh you better tell me why a picture like that is up there when it's supposed to be Shindou's family ಠ︵ಠ.


Luciana : I don't know what that means but this is why you're my best friend (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Fianne : Anyway, the idea where I got this from is from Riccardodirigo on Tumblr. I did not create this fresh from my mind, just so you know. But I did change some things and I made up all the names.

Alright, let's start naming the family ! And maybe make some daddy issues along the way...

Shindou Tseoko
Age : 51 years old
Role : Father
Appearance : Short Brownish-gray hair that has been gelled back with hair gel. Also he has glasses. He wears a black suit most of the time.
Additional Info : Shows favoritism and he wants all his kids to grow up successful. He doesn't approve of Takuto playing soccer though since he says it's a "waste of time".

(Luciana : His name sounded like "Tissue ko" to me XD

Fianne : I'm bad at naming people, okay ?)

Shindou Naesia
Age : 49 years old
Role : Mother
Appearance : Has curly brown hair and has a purple dress that reaches her knees. She also has pearls around her neck and a diamond (not a tiara) on her head.
Additional Info : She sometimes takes care of Emilia (youngest) and she likes buying clothes and other fancy stuff to please herself.

(Luciana : This name sounds weird ;-;.

Fianne : I know :O)

Shindou Tamaki
Age : 27
Role : Eldest son
Appearance : Has gray hair that is also gelled back. He has a beard like the Orion Fudou Michiya. He wears a yellow long sleeved button up shirt with a collar and black pants.
Additional Info : The second most serious of the family. He holds grudges and he isn't afraid to voice out his opinions, wether they'll be painful or not. Most of the time they're painful.

(Luciana : Tamaki ? Like the Tamaki in Ouran High School Host Club ? Or the Tamaki in My Hero Academia ?

Fianne : I don't even know 😂)

Shindou Taro
Age : 25 years old
Role : Second eldest son
Appearance : He has brown hair that is swayed to the left, only half of his left eye is seen, and he wears a gray short-sleeved polo shirt and some white pants.
Additional Info : He was overseas and just recently came back earlier this month. He loves to work hard just as much as his older brother.

(Luciana : Okay, that name definitely reminds me of—

Fianne : Yandere Sim, I know.

Luciana : I was gonna say the Taro flavor but okay ;-; )

Shindou Kiyoko
Age : 20 years old
Role : Third eldest son
Appearance : He has brownish-gray hair with a streak of black on it. He is always seen wearing a white polo shirt, black pants, and a denim jacket (sometimes)
Additional Info : He's the only child loving man in the whole family. Everyone else doesn't like children.

(Luciana : You've used this before but you know that I know you forgot where you've used it.

Fianne : ...)

Shindou Takuto
Age : 14 years old
Role : Second to the last youngest
Appearance : You know what he looks like.
Additional Info : He has daddy issues. Oh, and he's deeply emotional. He wishes to have a good relationship with everyone in his family because they seem to not care about him a little.

(Luciana : Daddy issues ?

Fianne : Everyone likes a good old daddy issued kid.)

Shindou Emilia
Age : 9 years old
Role : The youngest of the family
Appearance : She has brown curly hair that reaches her shoulders. She is mostly seen wearing dresses and playing her phone.
Additional Info : She spends her time online shopping with her parents' credit card. She doesn't like any of her siblings and she also shows favoritism. TO HER MOM.

(Luciana : Mans you create such monsters.

Fianne : I know.)

Well, that's how I view the royal Shindou family. I know the family seems harsh but don't worry, they have their good times....I think.

Luciana : You think ?

E-Eh....That's it for today, BYE !

Luciana : Bai Bai ! *Prances around*

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