Chapter 48

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He held his wand in his hand and twirled it around as he watched the fire dance.

He sighed and leaned back in the chair as he whispered, "I'll make you guys proud, I swear."

I made myself visible and walked over to him, "Hey."

He turned around startled, "Hey Jessica. I didn't see you."

I smiled, "I'm pretty quiet. What's up?"

He shrugged, "I couldn't sleep so I came down here. I like watching the fire, it's mesmerizing calming even."

I nodded, "I know what you mean. I'm just waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione, they're going to do something tonight but I don't know what so I'm just going to do some friendly stalking."

He smiled, "Alrighty then."

I heard a noise on the girl's staircase, "I bet that's Hermione," there was some shuffling on the boy's staircase, "And Harry and Ron."

"Do you want me to try to stop them?" asked Neville.

My face lit up, "That's perfect! Sure can you? Just say something like I know you're going to sneak out again and I won't let you."

I didn't care what Dumbledore thought. Harry was going to get himself hurt if he went down that trapdoor and if Neville was the one that stopped him it would look less suspicious then if I stopped him. He might think I was in on a plan with Severus or something.

He nodded then sat back down as I turned myself invisible again. Harry, Ron and Hermione came down the stairs at the same time and met up.

In a low voice Hermione said, "Okay let's go. I packed a couple of supplies, just in case."

They made their way to the door as Neville stood up, "Where are you guys going?"

Hermione looked the most surprised, "Hi Neville. We are just going to the library, to look at some other books."

"That's a lie. I know you're sneaking out again and I won't let you."

"Neville go back to bed," Ron said.

He put he hands up, "I'll fight you if I have to, but you can't sneak out again. Gryffindor is doing really well in the house cup, we might finally win it back from the Slytherins."

Hermione took out her wand and said, "I'm really sorry about this Neville," she waved her wand as Neville took out his.

She cast the spell but I made it look like Neville cast the countercurse.

Ron looked the most shocked, "Neville I don't know what you just did but we need to leave."

As he was focused on Ron, Hermione cast the body-binding curse on him and there was no way for me to make it look like he deflected it.

They walked past him and out the portal hole. I cast the countercurse on Neville and helped him up.

"Sorry about that, thanks for trying. I should go follow them," I gave him a quick hug, "Thanks."

He smiled, "No problem. Be careful Jessica, I'll see you when you get back."

I nodded then went out the portal hole and easily caught up to Harry Ron and Hermione on their way to the trapdoor. I followed them into the door Fluffy was in silently. In the corner there was a harp playing. Fluffy was out cold on the floor sleeping.

Ron said, "Lucky thing that harp is already playing. We didn't have to do anything to get past Fluffy."

"That's not a good thing," hissed Hermione, "It means Snape is already down there."

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